Study date

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Enjoy the chapter!

Daichi's pov

It was FINALLY after school and I was going to meet up with suga. We were going to study together at her place.

I was kind of excited but I was also nervous. I know I've dropped suga off outside of her house but I've never met her dad before..

I'm gonna be honest, I was shaking in my boots. What if he hated me and than I would truly never have a shot with suga?!

God I'm overthinking to much! I'll be fine! I've got this!

I don't got this.....

The last bell finally rang and I turned around to see suga grabbing her bag and putting her note books in it.

"Suga are we still studying at your place?"

"Hmm? Oh! Yea we are!" Suga said with a slight blush on her face and a smile

Go I was so happy that I get to spend personal time with suga..

"Come one daichi! Or I'll leave you behind!" Suga said jogging out of the door.

I quickly chased after her passing michimiya on the way. I was right behind suga and I grabbed her hips and pulled her back.

"Haha! I got ya!" I said with my hands still on her hips

"Your lucky! Your taller and faster!" Suga said turning around and comparing our height differences.

Suga was so cute... No! Pretty! No! Gorgeous...

I heard michimiya call me in the background but I ignored it and kept walking with suga.

We walking out of the school and suga was laughing at a horrible pun I made.

She even laughs at things that normal people don't find funny!

God she's perfect!

We kept walking and started to pass by coach ukai's shop

"Hey suga do you want some meat buns?" I asked looking down slightly at suga

"Hmm? Sure sounds good!"

We started walking into the shop and we asked for 2 meat buns.

"Here's your meat buns lovebirds!" Ukai said handing us the bag

"We're not lovebirds!" Me and suga said in unison.


I was about to grab out my wallet when suga put money down on the table and grabbed the bag and walked out with me


"Suga I wanted to pay!"

"You paid for me on our date so I payed for the meat buns!"

"Suga! They were just meat buns! They were like 4 dollars! I could have easily paid for them!"

"No! From now on your not allowed to pay for me!" Suga said with a pouty face.

"We'll see about that princess" I said with a wink. She blushed and we continued walking

I can't believe I called her princess! She is my princess though...

We reached suga's house and walked in. Suga already told me that her dad knew I was coming over to study.

I was so nervous...

Her dad walked out to greet us. Suga walked up to him and kissed him on his cheek. She walked back over to me and pulled me toward him

He was about as tall as me and looked like exactly like suga. But he was a man.

"Daichi this is my dad, and dad this is daichi!" Suga said standing off to the side of us.

"It's nice to finally meet you daichi. From what I've heard from my daughter you seem like a very nice boy!" Suga's dad said  reaching out his hand for me to shake

"It's nice to meet you to sit!" I said shaking his hand.

"Ahh! You two should get studying! I have to go out for groceries so I'll be back in a bit! I made some snacks for you guys to eat while you study! I'll see you guys later." Suga's dad than walked out of the front door

"Oh god I was so nervous..." I said letting out a long sigh

"Ehh? You were nervous?! I couldn't tell!" Suga exclaimed

"I mean who wouldn't be nervous meeting someone's parent!"

"He's a nice guy. But don't piss him off.. he can go from being a very kind man to being your worst nightmare in 3seconds flat!" Suga said grabbing my hand and pulling me up stairs

We walked into her room and sat down at her table.

Her room wasn't to overly girly. But cute. Suga fit perfectly in it. Her room was pretty spacious. Her walls were painted a nice shade of grey.

We pulled out our books and began studying.

It was quiet and I had to say something.

"So I overheard that you like someone. Who's the lucky guy?" I said looking up at suga.

She blushed and looked up at me

"Where did you hear that?!"

"Earlier when that guy was asking you out. You said that you liked someone else. And hinata tells me you like someone but won't tell anyone" I said smiling at her

I rested her head on the table

"Damn it! I was hoping you wouldn't find out..."

"Ehh?! Why? I'm your best friend I want to know!"

"No no no! Theirs no way I can tell you! I would be to embarrassed..."

"Fine... than could you at least give me a hint?"

She lifted her head up and put her thinking face on.

"Handsome" she answered

"Huh?" I was completely confused

"He's very handsome... and tall.. and kind... he always thinks about others before himself..." she said baring her face back into the table

She must like a really good guy... maybe it could be me! I can't let myself think badly! I have to think positive!

"He sounds perfect for you!"

"Yea... I just wished I knew if he liked me for sure.."

"I'm sure he does! I mean who wouldn't like you?! That guy should feel damn lucky that you like him!" I said with my 'dedicated' voice

"You really think so?.." suga said looking back up at me

"I know so! Your the best fish in the sea who wouldn't want you?"

"D-daichi! Theirs always someone better... I'm not that special I'm a regular teenage girl."

"Ehh?! How could you say that?! Your like the best person I've ever met suga" I said lifting her up by her chin

She blushed and smiled

"Thanks daichi.."

"Of course princess" I said looking back down at my work.

I could tell she blushed by the nickname. I was gonna use 'princess' more often.

After awhile it was dark and I was standing by the doorway getting my shoes on and suga was right infront of me.

"Thanks for having me over princess" I said with a smirk

"Y-Yea anytime!" Suga yet again blushed at my new nickname for her.

Before I left suga kissed my cheek again and ran up stairs.

This was kind of like our date.. when I brought her home...

It was our study date...

Ok that's today's chapter! I hoped you enjoyed and yeeee.

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