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So this chapter was recommended by a reader! I'm super excited for this chapter!


Daichi's pov

My heart is beating so fast... I don't know what to do.. my palms are really sweaty...

"Daichi. Pay attention." My teacher said looking directly at me

"Sorry sensai!" I said quickly

Today is the day I'm planning to ask out suga..

First! After school I'm gonna go up to her and ask her if she wants to hang out at the beach for a bit.

Two! I go home and get ready, I call Asahi and make sure he has ice cream and a cozy spot ready for me if I get rejected

Three! I go to the beach and wait for suga to arrive. Once she arrives we take off our shoes and play in the water for a bit.

Four! I ask her to dance with me. "Daichi! There isn't any music to dance to!" Suga says playing with her hair "we don't need music" I said grabbing her hand and we start dancing. She blushes and it's finally the perfect time.

Five! I finally get the guts to ask her out and do it.. it's a yes or no question.

I'm gonna explode...

Finally the bell rang for lunch. I turned around to ask suga if she wanted to have lunch together but she wasn't there... we always have lunch together..

I walked outside of the classroom. Where is suga.

"Hey where is suga?" Asahi said walking up to me

"I don't know... I know she's at school today but she disappeared when we were dismissed..."

"I would say I would help you look for her but I'm going to talk with noya.. I plan on confessing... I hope.." Asahi said scratching the back of his neck and blushing

"I know you got this big guy! Are you sure you don't want to plan it out? Or do it somewhere special?" I asked

All the other guys on the team kind of just asked eachother out... but here I am being way to nervous to face suga on the subject..

"I'm sure.. I heard from Ennoshita that noya likes the idea of a simple confession.. so that's what I'm gonna do!" Asahi said with enthusiasm which turned to nervousness in seconds flat.

"Good luck!" I said running down the hall.

I was gonna check by the vending machines first!

She wasn't there...

I went to the gym!

I only found Hinata and kageyama practicing.

I decided to check the roof top..

When I tried going up there was a few guys blocking the door.

"Excuse me I need to get through." I said bluntly, at this point I just wanted to hang out with suga.

"Sorry we were told no students on the roof." One of the guys said

"By who?" I said a little bit more annoyed

"A small girl with short brown hair and lighter brown eyes." He said again


"Is anyone else up there by any chance?" I asked

"I can't tell you that."

Damn it! I know suga is up there! What does michimiya want with her?! Don't tell me..

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