Chapter 2

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I grab my house key from my old pants and unlock the door quietly, just in case someone is inside. I took the heels off, to make my footsteps quieter. I then walked to my room, my door was open.

'Weird I thought I closed my door before we left.'

I opened my door slowly trying not to make a noise and walked inside. Laying on the bed was...Kacchan! Well, I guess I should start calling him Bakugou now, he did always want me to call him that.

I ignored Bakugou sleeping on my bed and quietly walked to my closet. I found an old black backpack on the floor so I picked it up and started shoving whatever clothes could fit in it, as quietly as I could. After a few minutes of organizing the backpack to fit more clothes I then started to look for my All Might wallet. I saw it on my night stand near my bed. I tiptoed to my night stand and grabbed the wallet as slowly as I could.

Bakugou shifted in his sleep and I froze instantly, I then was trying so hard to control my breathing. After a few minutes of waiting to see if Bakugou woke up I started to pack up more things.

After the backpack was so full of things I would need, I started to head out the room. Watching Bakugou as I walked out, I didn't see an All Might figurine on the floor. Turns out the toy wasn't just a figurine, it was a figurine that made noise so once I stepped on it, it kept saying,

"I am here!"

Bakugou woke up from the noise and sat up, looked at me and yelled,

"Deku!" With his raspy, loud voice.

I froze in my place, until Bakugou started to get out of the bed and walk towards me. I ran, I ran as fast as I could but Bakugou being Bakugou caught up to me before I even reached the door. He grabbed my wrist tight to keep me from running again.

"Deku? Is that really you? Where have you been?" Bakugou asked me.

I didn't answer him, so he pushed me against the wall putting his hands on the wall above my head, keeping me from escaping.

"Dont ignore me Deku. Where have you been?" He asked again.

His eyes then traced down my clothes, finally noticing what I was wearing.

"And what are you wearing?"

"Clothes," I answer blankly.

"I can see that, but why are you wearing these clothes?"

"Only clothes that were clean," I said with a monotone voice and look.

"Are you ok? You're not acting like yourself?" He said with a curious look on his face.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"You were on the news, said to be missing after you ran out the hospital when you found out your mom died."

"All that was on the news?"


"But that still doesn't explain why you're in my house?"

"I came here waiting for you to come back."

'So it was a good decision to not go home,' I thought.

"Where did you stay last night?" He asked, trying to get answers from me.

"A hotel."


"I just couldn't be here!" I yelled at him.

He just stood there shocked, so I used this opportunity to get away. I pushed him away and he fell to the floor, still in shock, and I ran out the door.

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