Chapter 8

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Mr. Aizawa finally finished whatever he was doing with the other students. While, I have still not figured out what the hell the quadratic formula is. I don't know how they expect me to know this stuff if I haven't been in school for months! Like really, come on!

Mr. Aizawa came to get me from the bleachers and we started to walk back to the classroom. I somehow ended up walking with Kacchan, Kirishima, and Todoroki but they had to go change so we ended up separating not too long after. Mr. Aizawa then walked me all the way back to the classroom. I sat at my desk and waited for the other students to arrive.

Everyone arrived a few minutes later and Mr. Aizawa started another boring lesson. After Mr. Aizawa's lesson, I had to go to another boring lesson with Present Mic. Once school was over I basically ran to the dorms. The school day was so boring! I don't give a shit about my grammar and I sure as hell don't care about that stupid quadratic formula. When I finally reached the doors to the dorm I realized I'm going to have to wait for someone to let me in.

'Ugh! I hate it here! I just want to go to sleep! Like the couch potato I am!' I shouted in my head.

I sat on the stairs leading to the dorms, waiting for just one person to come to the dorms. After what seemed like forever, I saw a tired dude walking by with purple hair. I think he sat behind me in class.

As I was able to get a better look of him, I thought, 'Damn, he's really hot. I wonder what he's like in a bed.

"Hey! Purple insomniac!" I shouted trying to get the purple haired boy's attention.

"Me?" He questioned, confused.

"Yeah, can you let me in please?" I asked, looking at him hopefully.

"Did you forget your keycard or something?" He asked like I was stupid.

Well, I am but I don't need people to imply it.

"Don't have one," I said, calmly.

"What, why?"

"They never gave me one. Most likely to keep me from getting out but I don't think they thought about how I was supposed to get in," I explained, watching the purple haired boy open the door for me.

"What did you do to get such strict restrictions?"

"Nothing too big just a few rules broken...if you want I can show you~" I moaned, walking into the now open door.

He stood by the door in silence for a while till he finally stepped inside. He closed the door once he was fully inside. I started to take slow steps towards him as soon as I saw him close the door.

'I haven't had fun in quite awhile. Hopefully this one doesn't get scared at the last second,' I thought, as he started to take a step back when I took a step forward.

I approached him like a scared, hurt animal, softly and slowly. Once he hit the door he just closed I walked up to him faster. Don't want my toy running away from me before I can try him out. I walked as close as I could to the purple insomniac. Once I smelled his minty and surprisingly fresh breath, I stopped.

I leaned into his right ear and whispered, "How about we take this to your dorm and I can show you what I mean."

He nodded his head softly and grabbed my hand. He dragged me all the way to his dorm and locked the door when we got inside. His dorm looked pretty neat and tidy. I walked up to his black, made, bed and sat down on it. He sat next to me, not looking at me in the eyes, and looked like a nervous wreck. Boy, did he look hot. I don't really get virgin boys my age wanting a fuck. If he even knows that's what I intended to do.

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