Sorrow and Pride

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I was jealous, I admit. But my jealousy was for a good reason. My jealousy was towards Artemis. Artemis who had everything. She had sisters that would give their lives for her, a loving guardian who would never let her receive a scratch, and she had the king of the gods wrapped around her finger. Something that I would never have.

No matter what, Artemis was protected and loved, yet feared by many. Even if she just had Perseus, he alone would give her the world, travel anywhere, and do anything for her, even at the risk of his own life. And for the past 5 years, she had been oblivious to it all. Oblivious to Perseus' affections to her. Percy has loved that girl since he first saw her, yet both didn't notice.

There was one thing that was setting them back, Artemis' fear. Artemis should know better then anyone that Percy wasn't going to hurt her. Yet she still wouldn't give into the love that surrounded them. As the goddess of Marriage, I could tell that their love and devotion to each other would last forever. They were the perfect couple which no one should dare interrupt lest they want to incur their wraith.

Hestia also saw this. Saw the adoration that Perseus harbours for Artemis. 

We were currently discussing this besides the Hearth of Olympus. Hestia and I always talked here after each meeting. Sometimes about Perseus, or maybe what was conversed over the meeting. Most times, however, was about Zeus. Oh, Zeus. That man I had fell in love with. The one man I had Ares, Enyo, Eileithyia, and Hebe with. Even Hephaestus was because of Zeus. We had a great marriage of only 300 years here or there, until he cheated. Sure, nothing has happened since the Grace incident, but who says that will last.

Zeus had never loved me. I was a conquest, a challenge which he completed. I was nothing to him but an attachment from out old flame. Hestia was smart to be a virgin goddess, same as Athena and Artemis. Although, I had a feeling that Artemis wouldn't stay that way for long.

Right now, I was explaining all this to Hestia. How my love for Zeus is not returned. I was reduced to tears. If it was anyone but Hestia. I would probably be humiliated. But she was my sister.

I was sobbing into her, feeling drained and tired all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, the throne room doors opened up and I heard the voice of Zeus and Apollo come in. I didn't lift my head at all, hoping that they wouldn't notice that it was me. I heard Zeus dismiss Apollo and run over here, crushing my hopes. Zeus' warm arms pulled me towards him, cuddling me gently, yet firmly. Hestia's faint voice murmured something to Zeus, but I was too shocked and snug in his chest to hear anything but the steady heartbeat of my husband.

I looked up slightly to see Zeus kneeling on the ground next to me, watching me in concern and worry. I was actually speechless that Zeus would be on the ground, let alone comforting me. He readjusted his legs so that he was sitting legs crossed next in front of me, and gazed into my eyes. It was times like this when I remembered the small things that Zeus did for me. The small nothings that actually meant something. 

"What ails you, my dear?" For a moment, I thought I saw a flash. Some emotion across his face that would tell me what was wrong.

"It is nothing, My Lord." I hastily wipe my tears dry, only to have more flood down the previous tracks made. I made my way to wipe them again, only to have Zeus caress them slightly. My brown eyes widen at the gesture, something he hadn't done in decades. Zeus gently kissed my forehead in a loving gesture.

Without notice, Zeus quickly scooped me up in his arms. I cried out in shock as he smiles cheekily down at me, another thing he hadn't done in a while. All this behaviour had me stunned at how he was treating me. Normally, he wouldn't do any of this. He wouldn't even come home to dinner.

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