How my mom found out.

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Told by Tanya Koan, Briella’s mother.

Ring. Ring.

“Hello its Tanya Koan.” I said.

“I have your daughter, Briella. Leave 1 million dollars in the third pew back on the right side of the St. Peters Catholic church by Thursday or Briella will be killed. Tell the police and I’ll kill you to.”

The line went dead.

I honestly couldn’t believe what had happened.

‘Surely this man had to be joking’

I walked over to the calendar to see if it was April Fool’s day. It wasn’t.

Just then the phone rang again, “Hello” I said.

“This is Hare High School calling to inform you that Briella Leep is not present at school today. As of now she has one unexcused absence.”

I dropped the phone. I called Briella. Twice. Four times. Eleven. No answer. If she was in school her phone would be off and it would go straight to voice mail, but every time it just rang and rang and rang.

I was in full blown panic mode. I called all of her friend’s parents, her boyfriend, no answer, and the school again. The last people I called were the police.

“911 what’s your emergency?”

“My daughter is missing”

“When was the last time you saw her?”

I thought for a moment.

“Around 7:15 this morning, she was going to school”

“Does she have any reason to run away?”

“Of course not! She loves school and her family!” I was appalled that this lady would think my Briella would run away!

“Alright ma’am I will dispatch police immediately, please give me your address.”

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