Chapter 1 Pregnant

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"Pregnant?" Amara and Blake exchanged surprised glances as Tiara walked in, a smile plastered on her face.

"Yes, I'm pregnant," she said, her voice rising. "And I'm kind of disappointed that my fiancé left me at the altar! What the hell, Blake?"

Blake's expression hardened. He hated being shouted at. "You better fix that tone when talking to me, Tiara," he replied coldly.

Tiara blinked, taken aback.

Amara sank into a chair, overwhelmed. "First my fiancé couldn't remember me," she murmured, shaking her head. "Then my sister gets engaged to him—and now she's pregnant?"

Blake sat beside Amara, reaching for her hand, but she pulled away sharply. "Baby," he said softly.

"Baby?" Tiara shot back, her voice rising again. "She's not your 'baby'! Have you forgotten I'm your fiancée?"

"Shut up, Tiara," Blake snapped, frustration evident in his tone.

Tiara stomped her foot and crossed her arms defiantly. She hated how Blake treated her like one of his flings while showering Amara with affection.

"I have to go," Amara said abruptly, rising from her seat. She moved toward the door, but Blake caught her by the waist.

"You're not going anywhere," he said firmly. "If anyone leaves, it should be Tiara."

"Why should I leave?" Tiara exclaimed, her voice breaking. "I'm your fiancée! Doesn't that matter?"

"Not anymore," Blake replied coldly.

Tears streamed down Tiara's face as she grabbed her purse and stormed out. "Amara, I can't believe you'd do this! You went behind my back with MY FIANCÉ! I hate you!" She slammed the door behind her.

Amara felt sick as she processed Tiara's words. The last thing she wanted was to hurt her sister. She sank back into a chair, tears flowing freely.

Blake wrapped his arms around her. "She didn't mean it; she was just hurt."

"But she did mean it!" Amara cried, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I can't believe I hurt her so much that she hates me!"

As exhaustion took over, Amara fell asleep in his arms.

When she woke up at 5 AM with a headache from crying, she realized her flight left in an hour and a half. She texted Alexander to pick her up from Blake's mansion.

Looking at Blake one last time, she kissed him on the cheek and left without looking back. Grabbing her luggage by the door, she met Alexander's worried gaze as he took her bags and drove off.

"Take me to the airport," she said hoarsely.

"Are you going to explain why you're leaving and why you're crying?" Alexander demanded, anger rising.

She shook her head. "No."

"Then why are you crying so much? Did he hurt you?" He parked the car and came to her side.

"No," she replied quickly.

"Then why are you leaving? You better answer me or I'll bring you back." She knew he meant it.

"Because he's marrying Tiara and Dad disowned me! My life is falling apart, Alex! I can't be here anymore."

"You haven't hurt anyone; I'm here for you. Even if Dad disowned you, that doesn't mean you leave everything you've worked hard for."

"I know, but I can't take this pain anymore! It hurts!" She cried harder as Alexander hugged her tightly.

"What else aren't you telling me? Something else is missing."

"Can we just go?" She didn't want to share more; she just wanted to escape before Blake found out she was gone.

"Amara," he spoke sternly.

"She's pregnant, Alex."


"Tiara! Now please take me to the airport," she pleaded. He nodded and drove her there.

Once they arrived, she hugged him tightly. "Call me and stay in touch."



"Okay, thanks for everything, Alexander."

"Wait—tell me the truth: why are you leaving?"

"I just want a life where I can be free and happy—and it's not here."

Caught Between Love and Legacy- My Sister Fiancé Book 2Where stories live. Discover now