Chapter 14 Broken

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Come in' she closed and followed behind him she sat were she was seated before.

"Blake is not here".

"I know I came to asked you a few questions".

"Why were you in the hospital 2 months after Blake got into an accident", he spoke seriously, Amara looked at him.

"Why are you digging into my past".

"Because I want o know who you are and what's your motive now why were you in the hospital".

"Motive I have no motive and that's none of your business, you can just leave", she walk and open the door Landon did move he had no intention of leaving until he got the answer he came for he closed back the door.

"Amara I suggest you take a seat I'm not leaving or do you wish until Blake get here to answer".

She didn't want Blake to know anything about her past no did she want to remember them.

"What do you want to know".

"Why did you hand over your store and money over to your father so Blake will feel sorry for you and give you money".

Amara looked at him and shake your head "You think I'm after him".

"I never said that".

"You didn't have to I didn't gave Henry anything he took it from me She I was younger I sign a contract which I knew was a contract of me hand over everything I own when I turn 25".

Landon was not happy with her answer felt it was something more " That can't be it there must be something more".

"What do you want me to say he hated me since the day I was born I knew who much until recently when he told me this are you happy now", Landon nod his head.

"What about the nine months you were with Blake no one knew about that until he clears the air couple months ago".

"I don't know Look we were together it's not like we were hiding or anything we lived together for nine months and you and I both know Blake like to keep his private like private and I was okay with that as long as I could be with him, why don't you as Blake". She was getting real tired of him.

"I get your point then why where you missing for a whole two year and why were you in the hospital after his accident", those questions she didn't want to answer so she didn't.

"Answer me", he shouted that was one think about Landon he could be scary or nice but now he was scary he wanted answer what was think woman doing for those two months.

Amara got scared she flinch his tone of voice brought back memories she wanted to forget.

"I was pregnant for Blake", she cried all the memories from that day came floating back on her mind.

Landon was shock to hear that when he looked at her hospital record he knew she could have any child so how could she be pregnant.

"What happened to your baby", he asked but Amara was just remembering that horrible day.

Landon held her chin she lick his hands away she was scared.

"What happened to the baby".

"Please don't don't make me say it please", she cried into her hands. Landon wasn't having it.

"What happened".

"My baby died my baby died and now I can't have anymore are you happy are you happy making me remember that worst day of my life how can you be so heart less the hit his chest repeatedly.

Blake park his black farrier he and Amara have been happy theses past week he decided to to her out to have dinner.

He open the front door he heard Amara he saw Amara hitting Landon crying.

"Amara", he pulled her back.

"Let me go", she screamed Blake let her go she ran upstairs and closed the bathroom door in their room.

"What's going on Landon and why are you here".

Landon didn't know what to tell him should he lie are tell him the truth.

"Landon", he pulled him by his collar.

Never have them been this angry with each other.

"What have you done to her if you hurt her Landon".

"Landon never seen Blake care about any woman before this surprised him a lot he really love her.

"Her baby died", he finally spoke Blake let him go.

"Her baby died who's baby died ", he asked puzzled.


'When was she pregnant who was the father', he walk upstairs to their room.

Landon felt guilty he didn't knew any of this he did knew she would have been this way he left.

Blake heard the shower he open the bathroom door Amara sat on the bathroom floor crying she was trembling Blake turned of the shower he took her up she cried into his arms.

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