Chapter 2 Leaving Him

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Tiara walked into her father's office, tears streaming down her face. "Daddy, she's with him!" she cried.

Her father looked at her, puzzled. "What happened to you, Tiara? Who's with who?"

"Amara, Daddy! She's having an affair with Blake, and now I'm pregnant with his child—and he doesn't want me!"

She collapsed into her father's arms, feeling comforted. She smiled to herself; she knew she was still Daddy's little girl, and he would do anything for her.

"How dare your sister have an affair with your fiancé? And he had the nerve to reject you? She will pay for this, and that man will get what's coming to him," he spoke in pure anger.

"Daddy, please don't do anything to Blake! I love him, and I want to marry him! Please, Dad, let him marry me." She gave him her best puppy eyes.

Her heart lifted when she saw her father nod his head. "Alright. Now go home; I'll handle everything."


Nine hours later, Amara got off the plane. She collected her luggage and headed to the hotel where she would be staying. She had no idea what she would do once she landed.

Amara sighed heavily as she put on her sunglasses and hailed a taxi.

"Where to, Miss?" asked the driver.

"The nearest hotel, please." She felt exhausted; all she wanted was to sleep and figure out her next steps in Australia.

The taxi stopped in front of a beautiful hotel: "Park Hyatt Charles." She stepped out and took in the stunning view. Inside, she saw newlyweds; jealousy bubbled up as she watched the man whisper sweet nothings into his bride's ear while she blushed. It should have been her. Turning away from the couple, she walked to the front desk.

The receptionist greeted her with a friendly smile. "Welcome to Park Hyatt Charles! How may I help you?" Before Amara could respond, the lady's phone rang.

"I'm sorry, miss; this will only take a second." While the receptionist spoke on the phone, Amara continued to look around the hotel.

After a moment, the receptionist's expression shifted to one of shock. "Yes, sir. I'm s-sorry." She hung up and let out a sigh of relief before realizing Amara was still waiting.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry! How may I help you?"

"I'd like to book a room for one night."

The receptionist glanced at her name tag—Brook—and typed on her computer. "I'm sorry, miss, but all the rooms are booked except for the presidential suite."

Amara sighed; that room must be expensive. "Okay, book it. Wait—how much does it cost?"


"What? That's a lot of money!" Amara thought, eyes widening in disbelief. Her heart sank as she contemplated the price; it felt outrageous for just one night. Despite her hesitation and uncertainty about what lay ahead in this unfamiliar place, she ultimately decided against venturing out into the unknown. Taking out her purse with a heavy heart, she handed over her credit card.

"Okay, your room is on the top floor. Have a good night!" Brook said with a lazy smile.

Once on the last floor, Amara yawned again as the elevator opened. She saw a guy struggling to tie his tie but couldn't see his face clearly. As there were only two rooms here, she walked toward hers but was stopped by the guy.

"Excuse me, Miss! Sorry to bother you," he said.

Amara turned around and gave him her attention. "How may I help you?"

"Could you help me tie my tie? This is so embarrassing." He looked genuinely embarrassed; Amara smiled at him—he was cute.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," she said as she stepped closer and tied his tie for him.

"My wife normally does this," he admitted sheepishly.

"Well, I guess you should learn how to do it yourself. There you go! Have a nice day."

"Thank you! And you too, Miss."

With that, they both went their separate ways. Amara opened her door; it was completely dark inside. As she searched for the light switch and finally found it, she turned around—only to see him standing there.

She screamed.

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