Chapter 10 The Fight

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Tiara ran the door bell Amara turned off the stove and walk into the living room. 'I wonder who it is' she dust off her apron and open the door it was Tiara she quickly closed it.

Tiara was shocked 'this bitch'.

"Amara open the door".

"Amara Susanne Miles", Tiara shouted.

Amara walk back into the kitchen and continue cooking half an hour later Tiara walk into the kitchen.

"How did you get in here", Amara shouted she put the knife down and looked at her.

"I have a key da I'm his fiancée and baby mother", she wave the paper in her face Amara snatch it from her and read the paper it said that she was 1 week pregnant.

She knew she was but seeing it on paper she felt worse Tiara looked at her happily.

"So I will be moving in soon so you better have leave before I arrive".

"Tiara get out", she spoke softly but she heard.

"This is my fiancée house so I have a right to be here you don't", she spoke with attitude.

"Tiara get out now", she shouted at her Tiara laughed at her.

"Girl who you shouting at", she laughed.

Amara took up the knife and point it at her "Tiara get out now you know I'm good with a knife", she walk towards her.

Tiara looked at her and they both started cursing and fighting the knife fell from Amara hand.

Landon park his Lamborghini out side Blake mansion as he step out her head screaming and shouting he ran inside and saw them fight he quickly break them apart.

He held on to Amara "Hey calm down you might kill the girl", but she wasn't hearing him.

"Get the hell out Tiara or I'll might do something I really regret", she spoke angrily Landon hold onto her tighter hearing her response.

"What are you going to do Amara steal my man you already did and I happy the whole world knows this too", she got up and fix her clothes.

Amara looked at her puzzled the whole world will know "You little brat how could you", she slipped out of Landon hand out he quickly caught her.

"Hey calm the f*** down" her shouted at her. She stopped and looked at him who is he and how did he get in here she thought.

"Yea shut her up". Tiara boast.

"You shut the f***up getting on my nerves.

"Get your hands off me", Amara shouted at him how dear him speak to me like this.

He didn't pudge "you going to calm the f**k down".

"Now", she said he finally let her go.

Then Alexander was walk in "What is going on here", he looked at Tiara then Amara.

"Amara do you want to explain", he fold his hands. Amara looked at him she didn't respond.

"I'll answer you see Alex", he cut her off.

"I asked Amara not you". He stared at Amara she still didn't answer she took up the knife the all were frightened until she put it on the table she turned off the stove and walk through the back door she wanted to cry so she blink them away.

London looked at Tiara "What are you doing here", he asked.

"I came to tell her something that all then she attack me and she knows I'm pregnant ", she rubbed her flat stomach.

"Pregnant", the men both said.

"Yep". They both couldn't believe it.

"Amara will never do that", said Alexander.

"Of course you would say something like that Alexander you adore her she even threatened me".

"No she wouldn't".

"She kinda did" said London.

"Look I have to go home but I will be sure to tell Blake this", she walked away.

Amara came back inside they both looked to her she was angry at herself for fighting her.


"I don't want to talk about it Alexander leave me alone".

"Fine but I will asked when I see you again", her left it was only her and Landon.

"I don't know you and what you have with Blake but this drama you have going on is too much you even fight his baby mama who's ", she cut him off.

"That's right you down know me and who do you think you are coming up in here shouting at me like that and judging me".

"You females are all the same your just using him for his money you even made him give you have on his company I don't know what games your playing but I'll find out", he said and walk out Amara closed the door. She slide down the wall and cried.

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