·˚✎ ﹏ Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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↳ where the sun meets the sea
↳ genre: angst (?)
↳ warning/s: ooc tsukki
↳ written: 11/3/20
↳ published: 11/3/20
↳ a/n: one of those stories i wrote when i just woke up---

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They breathe in the fresh air, admiring the lazy ocean as it hugs the shore.

No one else but them as reality slowly slips away, the thoughts of the possible future and painful past nonexistent with only this moment that they're living in their minds.

"Shouldn't you head home now?" You ask the tall blonde, eyes not averting from the glistening bed of water.

"How about you, Senpai?" Monotonously asked by the blonde.

Replying with only a sigh, a breath you didn't know you were holding, a knowing one in fact because when you let it out, he knew well what you meant.

"Are you really moving back to Tokyo?"

No answer, were you ignoring him or avoiding the question? Either way it pains you both.


"Yes," you breath out, "I am.."

The silent confirmation at first hurt but when the confirmation itself escaped your lips, the strong walls that he desperately built to hide his feelings came crashing down because..

You promised..

A promise she vowed to, something he took for granted, who could blame him? He found the person who never lied and broke his trust, or so he thought.

Betrayal? Or did you lie from the start? He let you in the doors that were locked, establishing an unknown yet strong relationship.

"I'm sorry.." you look at him, tears of guilt and sadness falling down from your eyes as they glistened, orange hues glowing your skin.

You both took a look at the pain of your past and promised to protect each other from it in the future, a promise that can't be held because while you both were focused on the future and past, you forgot the pain of the present which numbed both of you.

"Why are you sorry? You knew this won't work from the start right?..right?!"

"But at least we tried! Even though the promise I so confidently vowed is now in pieces... At least we can confidently say we tried to fulfill it.. Kei, I didn't want things to end this way.."

"It doesn't have to end when we both knew that it didn't start.. we both were so focused on each other that we forgot to be one.. from the start it was you & me not us."

"You still have a chance for a painless tomorrow, Kei.. you have the privilege of youth, your only starting your last year of junior high while I--"

"I don't know how to use that privilege to my advantage! Because you were always there"

"And I'm still here!"

"You won't be anymore.. so don't lie."

"Then cherish this moment.. but this won't be the last.. I'll come back, I promise." You smile, were you convincing him or yourself?

"Don't make promises you'll break.. don't get my hopes up."

"Because I won't break it this time..whenever I come back, meet me where the sun meets the sea, before the moon shines and I promise I won't let go anymore."

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