Chapter 16

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Okay right now I'm writing to soothe my annoyed and pissed off nerves. So it may not be long idk. Imma write a short thing, I guess. -__- ~Sincerely Mzz.PISSEDTHEF*CKOFF


~Prodigy POV

Trayvon is coming to meet us. Since Monica has no real family roc and MB is her closest family. He finally came in and he was with this FINE girl. She smiled and winked at me. Zee noticed because she rolled her eyes and walked out. I moved closer to the girl and we talked.

Me: hey cutie

Her: hi. I'm Paris you must be prodigy

Me: yea.

Paris: I really like you

Me: since when?

Paris: since my girl came out.

Me: oh. Your cute

Paris: you are too *kissed my cheek*

Me: we can get to know each other in my room

Paris: your room or bed?

Me: both.

Paris: okay

We walked to my room and she started off bye locking the door and sat down on my bed.

Me: why lock the door?

Paris: no real reason, just to make sure nobody bothers us.

Me: oh, so what's your full name?

Paris: Michelle "Paris" Laura Parker.

Me: oh

Paris: yea, my birthday? August 10th.

Me: my birthday? December 26th

[A/N: I have a dentist appointment on his birthday! -_- like I ain't even know they were gonna be open! The day after Christmas?!? Really!?!]

Paris: so you single?

Me: umm I think so.

Paris: oh I am too

Me: oh.

Paris: I like you.

Me: your cute and all but.

Paris: *kissed him*

Me: *kissed back*

*zee unlocks door and walks in*


Oh sh^t, it's gonna be world war 4 up in this b^+ch!!!


~Roc POV

Trayvon walked in with Monica and she seemed happy so I ain't say nothing.

Me: hey bro, I'm roc *dapped*

Tray: wassup, Trayvon

Prince: *dapped* Prince

Ray: *dapped* Ray

I looked around and ain't see prod, zee, or Paris. Paris was fine too.

Monica: okay you guys this is my current boyfriend, Trayvon.

Me: he seems cool, don't break your heart

"Roc aren't you forgetting something?" Whispered Princeton in my ear. "No what?" I said back. Then Diggy walked in through the door. Sh^+!!!! I forgot he was coming over today! I looked at Monica and when she saw him her mouth dropped open and looked at me with eyes of fury. Yea, scared? The hell I was!

Diggy: aye what up! *saw Monica and smiled while she pretended she ain't see him*

Monica: Chresanto August may I talk to you in the kitchen?!?

Me: okay?

*in the kitchen*

Monica: WTH is he doing here?!?

Me: I forgot he was coming over!

Monica: bull sh^+ roc!

Me: I'm sorry Kali!

Monica: ugh, your just asking for payback! Bet roc, bet!

Me: wait I swear I forgot!

Monica: whatever! *walked out*

She walked back in and Diggy opened his mouth and said....


Authors Note

Okay whatever, whatever, whatever, you know the deal.

No questions today like I said I am


But on the other hand I'm actually happy because this story hit 500!!!!!

-le does victory dance-

DATE FOR NEXT CHAPTER: I can't promise anything so maybe tomorrow Dec. 11th, 2012 my BROTHERS B-DAY!!!!! He's turning 10. ^.<

But once more no nothing, sorry no sneak peek, I'm mad AF and yea......I hope I am feeling better tomorrow and write something more exciting than this bull crap I did today and I AM sorry but like I said I'm mad and just wrote a tiny chapter to take off SOME stream not ALL of it thoee. I do have a question thoee. [A Life Question]


If you had a friend and she is gonna act fake and say you chase after this boy and he don't want you when he actually not too long ago confessed he liked you. But then the next time you see her you don't really want to talk to her so you don't, then later on how is she gonna come up with some girl you DON'T EVEN SPEAK TO and call YOU fake for not talking to her. What would YOU do?


Comment below of what you think about the question above.

So yea, bye




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