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A/N: Welcome to Empire at war, which is my sequel to A monster inside me and probably one of my most popular stories. This is a story about revenge, conquest, preservation, and love. This story is going to take place twenty years after the first one, but this prologue takes place a year after the events of the first story. I've got some crazy battles planned for this story and I hope you guys will enjoy this sequel overall. With that said, welcome to Empire at war!

(Normal pov— Persia, 1060 AD)

The sounds of bloodcurdling screams filled the night skies of the kingdom of Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Persian warriors were standing firm in the face of overwhelming odds, yet despite their bravery against the invaders of their home, they stood no chance against the foreign army that washed over them like a tidal wave. This invading army moved swiftly; barging into homes and establishments, dragging any who couldn't fight to be sold as slaves or amusement, spoils of all sorts were taken, and the roars of dragons rained down fire and death on the people of Iran.

Whilst this foreign army was invading Iran, its ruler overlooked the carnage and destruction from a balcony of his grand palace. King Apama, who was the youngest Persian ruler of Iran felt tears swelling in his eyes at the sight of his kingdom being devoured by this invading army and their dragons. The young Persian king knew that now was not the time to show weakness or to cower in the face of such an attack, now was the time to fight and to protect his people from the enemy. Quickly strapping his battle armor on, Apama grabbed his sword and left his bed chambers, to be greeted by his generals and his most trusted ally and advisor— King Stormheart, leader of the Mongrel Tribe. These people were formed on the premise of creating better human warriors. The best warriors from all over the world gathered together to form the Tribe and produce superior sons and daughters. The children were trained in combat and appear to also be intellectually gifted as well, they have served kings and queens of many great empires throughout the centuries, and now King Stormheart and his highly trained warriors had the privilege of serving King Apama and his Persian kingdom.

"My king, the invaders are advancing quickly towards the palace," Apama's head generals said, "I've known battle for forty years, but I have not known fear until tonight."

"You fear these brutes who do nothing but raid and plunder?" Another one of Apama's military leaders inquired.

"These are not just brutes! We are dealing with the Red Maw! They have laid waste to many of our neighboring Persian allies and kingdoms with not just their vast armies, but with the dragons they command—"

"Enough!" Apama snarled out, the young Persian ruler then looked his head general in the eyes and growled out. "If you do not have the courage to help me defend my kingdom, then take your leave! I will not allow my city to fall to these vile animals and the winged devils they command!" Turning to the Mongrel king, Apama nodded at him. "I trust you and your daughters know what to do?" King Stromheart bowed his head in confirmation. "I do, King Apama," he said, "we will be ready to cut off the head of this invading force." Nodding, Apama, and his entourage soon approached the palace doors and opened them, reveal a phalanx of Persian warriors defending the steps of their king's palace.

As the invading army was within range of the palace steps, and soon enough, a young man and a dragon that was black as night made their descent from the sky and touched down on the ground. Apama looked upon this figure sitting on top of this black dragon, he wore sleek black and crimson armor, with a white fur cloak with blood-spattered on the fur. Sliding off his dragon, the young man removed his intimidating helmet and revealed a young man in his early twenties, with piercing green eyes, shaggy auburn hair, and a light beard on his face. To Apama's shock, this foreign man spoke fluent Persian.

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