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Idina POV

Taye didn't show up so I took over his place in the band. Thankfully the show was a success. His band members were confused. They're asking me what happened to him. I don't even know what's wrong. I don't know where he is.

I went back to his apartment hoping he'll be home. Still no Taye. I know his lock code. It's my birthday. I went in. His closet was empty. He left without telling me? How could he do that? He said he'll always be here for me. Did he lie to me? I was crying. I can't believe him. He's a jerk. A good for nothing guy. He makes me feel that I'm not alone but he left me. He gives me hope when I'm down but he disappoints me. He told me that he loves me but he broke my heart.
On my way out I saw this calling card in his living room. Aaron Lohr. Isn't he the guy that he was talking with at the bar? He's the last person he talked to last night.

I called Aaron.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hi I'm Idina - Taye's fiancèe. I don't know if you remember him. He's the guy at bar that you talked with last night."

"Oh Taye Diggs? Yes I remember him. How can I help you?"

"Do you have time? Can we meet?"

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