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Aaron POV

What did Taye do? Why is she calling me? Where did she get my number? My heart is pounding so hard.
                                                          Hearing her pretty voice again melts my heart. It's been ten years since I last hear her voice. It's still the same. Even her face when I saw her last night. She looks even more beautiful. Should I go with a doctor's coat or should I go with a polo? Why am I freaking out? She only has a question. I took my coat off and went down. We'll meet at the cafe near the hospital.

She's sitting inside the cafe. She's really pretty. She's just wearing a jeans and a plain blue shirt but she looks gorgeous. I walk towards her.

"Idina?" asking her as if I didn't know her. She smiles. Oh that smile. My chest tighten, it's killing me. I can't seem to breathe.

"Yes." She answered. I sat in front of her. "How long do you each other?"

"We just meet last night. Is there something wrong?" My heart beats even faster. I called the waitress for water. "Do you want to eat something?"

"No I'm fine. Thank you."

"Blueberry cake for the lady please. Thank you." I told the waitress. It was her favorite back then. Hope she still likes it.

"You don't have to."

"You're welcome." I said smiling. I can't hide my smile. She look so serious.

"What did you two talked about at the bar?" She ask in a serious tone.

"Just stuff. And we're getting to know each other. He even told me your getting married in two years. Well congratulations."

"Is that all you talked about?"

"Yes. Is something wrong with him? Did he act strange?" I ask nervously.

"He left without telling me why?" Tears start flowing from her green eyes. "I'm sorry. I should go." She stands trying to leave but I hold her arm.

"Wait." I said still holding her arm. She looked back at me. I pull a handkerchief and wipe her tears.

"Thanks." She said. I gave her the handkerchief.

"Take this."

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