hey hey hey!

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hey hey hey!! (if you understand this i love u)

welcome to my kakegurui book!!

im kinda nervous about this but so exciteddd *insert tiktok meme*

i'll be writing for these characters in all preferences chapters:

- yumeko

- mary

- yumemi

- runa

- kirari

- ririka

and all preferences will be linked together but the imagines won't, it'll be like a completely different story

you can request for any character idm writing for them but it'll have to be an imagine, if you want a preference with it then you're gonna have to say otherwise i'll be confused

request form:
type: (meaning fluff, angst or whatever but its optional to say which)



no smut/lemon!! im too awkward to write that shit lmaoo

toyota and kaede can suck my dick ❤️

hope you enjoy!!

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