1:7 - sleeps

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Warning!! There will be slight gore in this chapter! If you are uncomfortable with that, which I dunno why you would be since you clearly know what danganronpa is but alright,
please take caution!

"Motive? what could you possibly mean by that?" Iryo questions.

"I meeeeeean," she begins, dragging her words out. "I'm gonna give you something that might nudge ya to commit a stabby stabby, eh?" Her strange accent filled my room as she nudged me with her elbow.

"S-So what is this motive..?"

"It's a pretty easy concept. Weapons!"

"Weapons?" Both me and Iryo repeated.

"Weapons! All of yall's have a certain weapon that ill give ya right now...." she started scratching her arm. Then, a greyish pink colour was revealed under her chocolate skin. then, plastic.

"W-Whoa!?? What are you doing?!!" I interrupt

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"W-Whoa!?? What are you doing?!!" I interrupt.
"I'm getting yours, duh!"

she peeled the unnatural substnce back, revealing a hollowed out space from her elbow to her wrist, a bone in the center. she stretched her left hand inside, pulling out a little penknife.
"It's a penknife, cuz you're the ultimate digital artist, right? Get it?" We simply deadpanned as a response. she sighs, slumping over, before throwing the slightly moist knife at me and speaking. "I'm trying here, okay?!! I'm a tired, sugar obsessed, childish ass that just wants to impress some peeps, okay?!" I manage to dodge the sharpened metal, it dropping to the floor in front of a still sleepy Iryo. Speaking of which...

"Is this just for me or does everyone get one?"
"Everyone gets their own. You're probably wondering where Iryo's is right now, and I gotta tell ya, you ain't wrong for thinkin so!" She finishes talking and starts searching her pockets, feeling herself for Iryo's weapon in them. "How the hell'd I manage to forget 'em!??" She checks outside, in the vents, and once again on the rest of herself. It was pretty weird, cause she had a piece of plastic dangling off of her the whole time.

"Oh no! I lost it!! Uhmmmm... hold on!" She jumps into the vent on the ceiling. I hear rattling, then it stops before coming back. She jumps out of them, a midnight purple bottle clasped in her mouth. "Got it!" She smiles towards us, flailing the bottle around. She tosses this at Iryo, with the lavender girl catching it perfectly.
"Poison?" She asks.
"How absurd." Her voice was a hushed whisper, and her eyes didn't break contact from the glass clasped in her hand.
"Goodnight~!" Monomia waves, a scary grin on her face. She flicked the lights off as she left. But she flicked them back on. "Oh yeah, Iryo catch!" She throws a black roll at her. As Iryo catches it it unrolls, revealing a sleeping bag.

After she walked out, we were left with noting but the eerie whirr of the air conditioning and the silent yet sickening static that proceeded to build up within me. Iryo had been on the bed, while I'd convinced her to let me sleep on the floor. It was strange though, my mask was till on.
"Hey Iryo..?"
"Yeah?" Her soft voice broke through the silence.
"I don't feel so good about tonight."
"I don't blame you. That dreaded Monomia is to blame for all this. However we must rest, if we wish to make an escape attempt tomorrow that is."
"Y-Yeah." More silence. "Do you think the others are sleeping over too?"
"Surely there must be some. The twins perhaps."
Iryo yawns. "Goodnight Zino. And... sweet dreams."
"Night-night~" I smile to myself.

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