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I woke up in a deep, cold darkness. I felt sluggish, and I could feel myself shaking with the cold. Everything around me was a pure black. The dry, somewhat thick air I was breathing scratched at the back of my raw throat. I looked around, but everything was just pure darkness. It's like I was blind. I felt dizzy. Nauseous. My senses almost seemed like they were blocked. I couldn't see anything but darkness, and I couldn't hear or smell anything.

I took a step. And then another. I felt like I was walking through sludge. Looking down, I still couldn't see anything but darkness. But I was obviously stepping on something. Where was I? How did I get here?
I kept walking. There was nothing else I could really do.

And then, I fell.

I screamed.

My stomach leaped into my throat, I could feel myself plummeting, almost in slow motion. But somehow, there was no wind. I shut my eyes tight, feeling the anxiety make my breath hitch. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to die alone in the darkness.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I hit the ground.

My face smacked into some pavement, and I felt my arm twist weirdly between me. I yelped at the pain. My vision was filled with an orange light, and I could feel it's warmth on my my back.

My head ached. I groaned as I put a hand on my forehead to try to steady myself. I got to my knees. Drawing my hand away from my head, I could see the large splotch of red that covered my palm. The pure terror that started to rise in my stomach was only outmatched by the weakness I felt. I could tell I was starting to lose consciousness. Bright red blood dripped on the bricked ground below me.

I tried to look up, but my vision started to black out. I tried to call out to someone, anyone, who could save me. Despite my efforts, I couldn't get anything but a whisper to come out. "Someone.. p-please.. help me," I begged, but I was alone in the streets. There was no one to see me. All I could see was a backdrop of buildings and a flash of red before I slipped off into unconsciousness.


She hit the ground with a soft thud. I waited a moment, making sure that no one would pass by, and made my way over to her.

It was a small girl with messy (H/C) hair, sprawled out on the ground. She was in some sort of dress that was torn and now covered in blood from her head injury. Her arm was twisted awkwardly below her, obviously broken. I almost cringed at the sight.

I picked her up, careful not to hurt her arm even more. Blood clotted in her hair and around the injury in her hairline. She had a pained expression. I would say I felt bad for her.. but as a nobody, I don't feel emotions like that.

I sighed and shook my head. I had only been here in Twilight Town on my break. I was not expecting to find a new nobody.

I might as well take her back to the castle. She'll bleed out here on her own.

Who knows, maybe the boss could find a use for her?

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