I - Healed

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The light seeping through my eyelids was almost too much to bare. I groaned uncomfortably.

"Hey, I think she's awake."

I heard some papers shuffling, and then heeled footsteps coming quickly in my direction. My eyes snapped open at the sound and I squinted at the sudden, stinging brightness of the room. Everything was white. There were papers everywhere, and various sciencey instruments sitting about. I was sitting in a white medical bed.

A greasy looking blonde haired, blue eyed man in a black coat stood in front of me. I jolted back, not expecting anyone to be there. "Interesting. She's acting like she's frightened."

"Give it a rest, Vexen."

I looked to the other side of the bed I was laying in, and found the owner of the second, smoother voice. It was another man sitting on the edge of my bed. He had red hair and tattooed teardrops under his almost neon green eyes. But while his eyes were bright, they looked dull, like something bad had drained the emotion out of them. He looked like he was much, much more well kept than the other man. He was mesmerizing. I stared at him for a moment, and then snapped out of my trance when he started to look confused.

"Hey, you feeling okay? You've been out for a while," the redhead said, holding out a hand. I nodded and went to take it, but found my arm was wrapped up in some sort of cast. I took his hand with my opposite hand, sitting up. Instantly, I felt myself starting to feel lightheaded.

"Take it easy. Don't sit up too fast. You lost a lot of blood and ended up breaking your arm," he said, getting up to walk over and put a hand on my shoulder. He leaned me back against the wall I was against before and helped me sit myself up properly there. He turned his attention to the blonde, who was across the room. "Hey, don't you think it should be healed up by now? It's been a while."

"I'd guess that you're about right. She should definitely be fine by now." Walking over with some scissors, the blonde carefully took my cast arm. He started to cut off the bandages. I finally decided to speak up. My voice was raspy, and it almost hurt to talk. "So.. who exactly are you guys? Why am I here?"

The redhead sat himself down in the chair next to my bed and smirked. "The guy who's cutting your cast off is Vexen," he then smirked and pointed at himself. "My name is Axel. Got it memorized?" I felt like his expression was all I needed in order to know what kind or person he was. He seemed confident and friendly. And for some reason, I felt like I could trust him.

I laughed a little. "Right, Axel. And Vexen. Anyways, how did I get here?" I didn't really remember much about how I got here. My memories were hazy and I still felt like my head was in the clouds.

"Well, I was on break and I found you in one of the streets of Twilight Town. I heard you scream, and once I finally got over to check out what happened, you were on the ground covered in blood and you had broken your arm." I watched him as he talked. He seemed to use his arms and hands a lot while he spoke. He had a lot of expression to him that was interesting to watch. "Anyways, you're lucky I found you. You would have bled out had I not brought you here!"

By now, Vexen had gotten my arm safely out of the cast. I moved it around a little and rubbed it since it was a bit sore. "Well, thank you for not leaving me to die I guess," I chuckled at myself. "How'd you guys get my arm to heal up so fast if it was broken?"

Vexen lifted up a small bottle that had some sort of green liquid in it and handed it to me. "This is a potion. It heals anything from a mediocre cut to torn muscles and broken bones in a matter of mere minutes. That's how we got you back in top form so quickly. You might as well keep that bottle in case anything happens."

"Thanks. I appreciate it," I said, raising it up to look at it in the light. The light that filtered through the green inside of the bottle was very pleasant to look at.

"Now, before we continue," Vexen added, "What is your name?"

"Oh, that's right, my name.."

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