Reunite under the lights

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             Toga wasn’t having a great day. She was not having a good day. In fact, Himiko’s day started out terribly. She woke up late after missing her alarm 12 times, then got harassed while working at the coffee shop, and now she was being accosted by the new bitches. Ever since Shoto had left, Dabi became too tired to deal with them, so he left it up to Big Sis Magne. But now that Bis Sis was gone, Toga had to deal with them and their countless demands. To make things worse, they’d brought along their bitchy little boyfriends too, so she was in no mood to deal with them. “I don’t care what happened, okay?! Just deal with it yourself instead of coming to me and complaining like the little spineless pussies you are!” She shouted, storming away as soon as she said it. She stopped her stomping at a newly built bridge. The pale marble glittered under her feet, and it only dampened her mood as she thought about how much Shoto would probably like the bridge. ‘I miss you so much Sho.’ She thought sadly. The bridge overlooked a calm river, so much alike to her little brother in a sense. He was calm, effortlessly ethereal, and therapeutic in a way, just like the river below her. Without the river, the scenery would feel empty; nearly worthless as a whole. Her phone buzzed, knocking her out of the saddened trance. It was a message from Touya. ‘Come to my place. It’s been a while since we’ve properly talked.’ 

       The blonde walked into the unfamiliar apartment. It looked messier than when she’d last seen it, with evidence pointing at the now yellowing paint on the previously white walls. She walked further into the place, not seeing any residents yet. When she walked into the main room, she almost cried. On the couch sat a disheveled Tomura, sitting beside a matching Dabi. But by the window, standing almost casually, was Shoto Todoroki, her little brother who’d left 2 years ago. Oh, how she’d missed him. And oh when they looked eyes, she could feel the tears build up at his serene smile. She’d surged forward before she realized it, her lanky arms wrapped around his thin waist in a bone crushing hug. “Toga…” He gasped breathlessly. It took her a few more seconds to let him go, but she was crying when she did. There was a pregnant pause, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one.  “...Ssssso… who wants to explain first?” Shiggy asked, wringing his hands nervously. Dabi ran his hands through his dark hair. “I say we put that on hold for now, and go out.” They all agreed, and out they went.

        The fun of an amusement park seemed to free them from the dampness of their moods earlier. The group of adults let themselves have fun, even if it was just for a moment, before they had to return back to reality. It was a couple hours after when Himiko found Shoto sitting on one of the many park benches, an alcoholic slushie in his hand, and the rest of him adorned in park merchandise.  She stifled a giggle and sat down next to him. THey stayed silent for a while, before he spoke. “I’m sorry.” Toga blinked, surprised. “What?” “I’m sorry for leaving.” She didn’t respond for a few seconds. “There isn’t really anything for me to say to that.” Shoto frowned, and she panicked, trying to clear her words up. “I mean, there isn’t any reason for me to reprimand you. You left for a good reason, and I can't fault you for that". He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but smiled. His head leaned onto her shoulder, and for the first time in years, they felt as if the old days were coming back.

643 Words

I apologize for not updating sooner but life has been a set back. I appreciate all of you all's support and I hope to see you in my next long chapter. (●ε●)ゝᶜⁱᵃᵒ

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