Remus - Mates (pt 1)

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Prompt; the reader is a werewolf and there is an eclipse right around the corner. She goes into an extreme heat and Remus, being another werewolf, mates with her and helps fulfill her desires.
Length: med ( 1810 words )
Requested by: anon
     C/W: smut

Am I stealing the concept of zinging from Hotel Transylvania? Yes. Yes, I am.

     'Twas a Saturday afternoon in the Gryffindor Common room, occupying none other than the marauders, give or take 1. Remus was upstairs preparing for the full moon in a few nights. You, an honorary Marauder, were with the other boys waiting for Remus so they could commence their game of (muggle) uno or monopoly. (It was a tie, Remus needed to break it.)
      "Where is that dork, I thought he loved these muggle games?" James Questioned.
      "Give him his time, it's an eclipse this month so he's extra on edge." The (H/N) girl responded. You were also a werewolf, en even more on edge than Remus could ever possibly be.
     You see, the female werewolves would go into extreme heat during eclipses. They went into it every month, (as human women do periods), causing them to be extra lustful. Not only that, but the heat could also cause a quite literal burning sensation in the lower regions. Now you waiting for the heat to commence. It could start or end anywhere within a week from a full moon.
     "Oh right, the eclipse. Maybe you should go help him out," Sirius Pestered you. He knew exactly what the eclipses do to the female werewolves. "Oh sod off, Sirius."
    Thundering footsteps came down from the boys' dormitories to the common room. "Sorry I took so long," Remus rasped out.
     "If it wasn't for you being a guy, I'd think you'd be in the heat too. Why are you breathing so heavily?" James prodded. Remus rolls his eyes. Everyone knew that he had to take precautions on rare astrological nights like these but they all used it to pester the both of you.
     Remus ignored them and sat next to you. "So, what's the game you choose?" You asked him. He thought for a second before decided on uno, surprisingly. Since it was his pick, he dealt first.
     1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7...
     You counted as he passed each of your cards. You picked them up and sorted them smallest to biggest. 'I bet Remus would be at the far end if we were measuring di-' shit. The heat was kicking in now.
     "Y/N? It's your turn," Sirius tapped your shoulder. Your eyes snapped to his fingers before focusing, or trying to, on the card game. Your senses were super heightened, you could hear every breath, the beat of every heart, see every small detail. You grabbed your only yellow card, a 7, and set it down on the pile. Remus placed a blue 7 to which Peter placed 2 blue +2s.  Peter and James started bickering over whether he could do that or not.
     James relented and pulled another plus 2 card, followed by Sirius Putting another and you another leaving Remus to pick up 10 cards. He looked at you and growled, a small angry undertone washing over his face. Holy fuck. You swallowed hard trying to cover up for the fact that his intense facade was massively turning you on. You could have sworn that your uterus was starting to ache.
     You weren't sure why it was Remus that was causing all of this. Out of all of the boys you were closest to Sirius. Well, James but that was more of a siblingly way. Probably just because he's another werewolf. But then, you thought about it. The way your cheeks flush every time Remus chooses deliberately to sit next to you, the way he looked when he was focused during class, they way he let you and the boys get away with shit he wouldn't let the other students as a prefect. Did you like him?
     The first round ended, you winning without even realizing it. You were too focused on trying to make sure you weren't being too obvious. The next round started and because of your luck last round, you were in it to win it.
     Cards were being passed from each direction, suspense was being built, friendships were on the line. You placed a wildcard, +4 at that. You had 2 more cards left after that.
     "RED!" You yelled without hesitation. Oh no. That +4 is going straight to Remus. He didn't have another +2 card. He playfully slapped your thigh since you were sitting next to him, but now your cover was blown. Your hips bucked making your thighs twitch upwards and you let out a small moan. The burning grew even more intense.
     You whimpered slightly realizing all eyes were on you. "Are you ok Y/N? Do you need some water?" Remus asked. You shook your head no. You stood up and tried walking back up to your dorm but your knees were so shaky it was hard to keep your balance.
     Remus noticed, of course, and couldn't just let you suffer trying to carry yourself. "Here, you can stay with me tonight incase you need anything," he said softly swooping you up.
     The other Marauders made "oooooh" noises but you both chose to ignore them.
Remus laid you down on his bed and before he could do anything you grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him in aggressively. He didn't pull away. The kiss was hot, passionate, and animalistic.
Remus pulled away abruptly and made eye contact with you. You felt as if your heart had stopped for a second, only to make up for it right after by beating incredibly faster than before. A purple tinge past before both of your eyes. "Unless you want to be stuck with me for the rest of your life, we shouldn't-" you cut him off.
"Remus, we just connected. We're mates now. So shut up and fuck me." He wasted no time in taking both of your shirts off. He unclasped your bra and proceeded to rip it off with his teeth, leaving love bites in its place.
You ground against his hips and he groaned in response. He crawled down your body and left a trail of slobber over the love bites he left all down your torso. Remus quickly pulled down your pants and panties in one swift motion, exposing you to him completely. He smirked at the sight.
"Who made you this wet, pup?" He prodded.
"You, sir!" You whined. You just wanted him to do something. He ran 2 fingers down your folds, making your hips buck wildly. He chuckled.
"So needy for me. Please, do tell me how much you want me," he mused.
"Hhrrrrg stop teasing me!" You groaned. He seemed dissatisfied with your response. He slapped your flaming heat, making you wince and moan all at once.
"That's not what I asked for, pup," he said popping the p's.
"Sorry, sir! Please please please touch me more, I won't do it again," you pleaded. Pleased with how he had you wrapped around his finger, he literally wrapped you around his fingers. Actually. He didn't hold back with pumping 2 fingers into you. You squirmed and whined and writhed underneath him. He held you down by the hips and grazed his tongue over your clit. You cried out rather loud at that.
Before long, you already hit your first orgasm. You came all over his fingers and your legs shook in pure ecstasy. Remus, pleased with himself licked your clit a couple more times just to tease you. You bucked your hips at that and he shook his head.
He got onto his bed with you and immediately, you eagerly pulled his pants and boxers down. He smirked and leaned over the top of you, reaching behind you to grab something. You heard something jingle before the coldness of metal restrained your wrists back and above your head.
Remus looked down at you, hands bound above your head, knees tucked up to your chest, completely naked. He grabbed your throat harshly and rasped "mine," in your ear. You flushed and without warning, he thrust into you. You threw your head back and moaned as he relentlessly pounded into you.
"Who do you belong to, pup?" He said in a hungry, demanding tone.
"You!" You yelled
"One more time, makes sure everybody knows."
"I BELONG TO REMUS LUPIN," you said just before your second orgasm. You came on him again but he was far from finished with you. He unlocked the cuffs from one hand.
"Flip, All 4s." And with that, you quickly moved from your back to your hands and knees. He smirked and grabbed your hands from underneath you and pulled them behind your back, your face falling into his pillows. He cuffed your hands behind your back.
He grabbed hold of your hands almost like handlebars and pushed into you again. You whined as he started to move again. It wasn't long before he was going full throttle like before. He thrust in at different angles trying to find your sweet spot and knew he found it when your hips bucked and you moaned louder than you were before. He grabbed your hair and pushed on your back, making you arch it more than before so he could hit that spot again easier.
"Mmmh, fuck pup I'm so close," he huskily moaned out. He smirked, an idea forming in his head. He slapped your ass a couple of times, your yelps indicating you liked it. He did it once more before grabbing it and thrusting deeper, harder and faster which you thought was impossible.
You were right on the edge of your 3rd orgasm when he snaked one of his hands around and under you, violently rubbing your clit. You shouted his name when he came inside of you, you not following too far behind yourself. You panted and collapsed against his bed, him plopping down next to you, removing the cuffs. You breathed in each other's aromas as you hold each other.
"Where did you get those handcuffs from?" You asked. He shrugged. "The full moon is coming up," he responded.
"So you knew you were going to fuck me silly?"
"No- they were for me-"
"That's not what they- never mind."
You giggled at his annoyance. You felt him pull the blanket over the both of you as your mind drifted in and out of consciousness.
"Better?" He asked, referring to the mind-melting heat you faced this go around.
"Better, until tomorrow morning probably," you joked. He chuckled and kissed your nose softly as you finally fell asleep.
       You could already hear the marauders taunting you the next day.

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