Sirius - Naughty Girl

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      Prompt; Y/N feels like Hogwarts is hanging up on her and giving her a hard time but after encountering a familiar group of boys, she gets her guts rearranged.
     Length: long ( 1326 words )
     Requested by: anon

You sighed, slouching back in your chair, downing your shot of fire whiskey. You were positively fed up with Hogwarts. You couldn't sleep at night, you took a bludger straight to the head, other girls were purposely spreading false rumours about you and you were positive that a few of your teachers were purposefully failing you.
     You shuddered, hating the aftertaste of the drink. The Three Broomsticks was quieter than usual. No more than 4 people aside from you were in the building- except for when the doors swung opened revealing 4 of your classmates. You groaned.
     You paid the bar tender before grabbing your coat and trying to leave.
     "Hey, you," one of the boys you recognized as James Potter called out to you. You looked over at him, thinking you had just made it out. Shit.
     "What are you doing all alone?" He asked seemingly harmless. You turned fully towards them. "I guess people at Hogwarts just don't like me as much," you sighed.
"You're in Gryffindor, right?" Asked one of the boys. He's a Gryffindor prefect, you knew that much. "Yep."
"Why don't you come to sit with us?" Another asked. Sirius Black. Oh my. He was probably the best looking there. People would argue over who was the best looking Marauder, but you were absolutely sure it was Sirius.
     You stood for a second battling with yourself in your head before giving up and going to sit with them. You pulled a chair from another table and sat between Sirius and Remus.
      The night had gone along and you had sobered up a little since you'd only been having butterbeers and we all know how deceiving the name is- there isn't any actual beer. You were laughing up a storm at the stories they had been telling you. These boys weren't in trouble.
      "-isn't that right, Fluffy?" James asked slurring his words a little. He was decently drunk at this point. Sirius rolled his eyes.
     "James I told you we aren't calling me fluffy," Sirius tried keeping a level head but it was apparent he was struggling.
     "Why fluffy?" I asked slightly confused. The group looked at each other like they had just slipped a secret they shouldn't have.
     "We gave each other nicknames based on our patronuses. James is a stag, Peter is a rat, and Sirius and I are wolves. He hates fluffy, so he's pretty persistent on keeping Padfoot," Remus explained. Everyone looked relieved.
     "Hmmm, I don't know I think fluffy seems fitting," I said rustling my fingers through Sirius' hair. He pushed my hand away.
     "Oh fuck you," he sighed.
     "Is that a challenge or a to-do list?"
     "That depends, are you gonna keep calling me fluffy?"
     "I'll consider it."
You laughed at each other before going back to conversing with the other Marauders. You felt stares on you all night, especially from your right where Sirius sat. You felt the eyes look at you once more and you finally turned your eyes to meet Sirius'. You stared at each other and now, since the both of you were competitive and stubborn as mules, you turned it into a staring contest. Everyone at the table was invested. Finally, Sirius blinked and you cheer at winning the unspoken game.
     "Woohoo!" Peter cheered with you. Everyone at the table chuckled before James started talking about his upcoming quidditch game against (H/N).
"So, I guess I don't have to worry about facing you at the quidditch pitch since you're our friend now?"
"You wish, Potter. But no, you won't be facing me. I'm not allowed to play until Madame Pomfrey clears me, I still have a concussion," you explained.
"Concussion you say?"
"Were you not at the quidditch game yesterday? I took a bludger straight to the head! Everyone lost their minds and I was the talk of the town for a while."
"That was you? I thought it was someone else."
Really? James was cool and all, but god he could be dense at times. You were going to facepalm yourself but somebody grabbed your wrist before you could.
"You said it yourself, you have a concussion. That wouldn't be wise," Sirius said in a teasing tone, smirk lingering on his lips. He lowered your hand and being the stubborn girl you were and not liking people tell you how to do things, brought your hand down even further and placed it on Sirius' lap. He stiffened. You smirked. You took a sip of butterbeer to hide the devious look on your face.
Everyone was back to other conversations at this point.
"What are you playing at?" He whispered in your ear lowly. You could tell he was on edge.
"Well, whatever do you mean Sirius?" You prodded, sliding your hand up his thigh further. He grunted.
"Don't act so innocent, you know exactly what you're doing."
"I'm sure I haven't a clue."
"Y/N, stop messing with me."
"Or what?"
"Or else."
"Oh wow, I sure am terrified."
"Shut up."
"Make me, Fluffy."
Without even thinking about the other Marauders sitting at the table, Sirius stood and dragged you out of your chair. He brought you around the back of the bar and apparaited you back to the Castle. You wound up already in the Gryffindor common room and he lead you up to his dorm, making sure that nobody else was in there.
He threw you down against the bed and crawled over the top of you. He had you pinned directly underneath him.
"Naughty little girl, I suppose it's my job to teach you some manners now," he taunted. You smirked. "Oh of course Sirius."
"That's not my name."
"It isn't? I'm pretty sure I remember calling you Sirius."
He grimaced, crawling off of you, flipping you to your stomach and smacking your ass, hard. You squealed and flinched, bucking your hips back.
"It's daddy. Don't try to convince yourself that it's not, little girl," he said sternly. You nodded and he slapped your ass again.
"You understand?"
And he slapped you again.
"Yes, daddy."
He grinned before pulling your dress over your head. He pulled your bra and panties off right after. He flipped you back onto your back and took his Gryffindor tie off.
"Now, what's my name? Don't make me punish you."
"Hmm, I think it's Sirius."
He growled and grabbed your chin, pulling your mouth open, and stuffing his tie in it.
"Since you can't seem to get it right, no more talking until you've learned your lesson. Now, I'm going to fuck you for five minutes and if you cum, I'm restarting right back at 5."
You nodded and scooted up on the bed before he grabbed your ankles and held you in place. He pulled his shirt, pants, and boxers off and discarded them somewhere on the floor.
He ran his thumb down your folds, seeing how truly aroused you were. "Oh, little baby's just dripping for me. Did I do this to you? Naughty girl."
He lined himself up at your entrance and rammed himself in. You threw your head back at his abruptness as he continued to pound into you. He gripped onto your hips to give himself more stability. You felt yourself getting close and he could tell that you were too.
"Don't you dare fucking cum." He demanded. You tried your hardest but you couldn't take it and your legs trembled as you exploded around him.
"Bad girl. Thought I made myself clear."
He slapped the top of both of your thighs as another form of punishment and started thrusting once again. This was going to be a long night.

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