Why do I write this

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Josh's POV

I heard a gentle knock at my door. I got up from against it and cracked the door open. It was Mully. I could still hear the others laughing downstairs and I felt the embarrassment all over again. Mully noticed this as I was hiding my face in my hands. 

Mully's POV

I slowly pushed Josh's wrist down to reveal his face again, it looked as if he could cry. As I began to speak he was still avoiding eye-contact. "Hey, Josh, It's alright" I told him while he slowly picked his head up. "They're just trying to mess with you."

"Yeah I know," he whispered. "It'll just take me a while to calm down",

"Okay" I chuckled, I could see a smile spread across his face. God, I loved his smile. I began to walk out the door when I heard him speak.

"Thanks Mully," he said, looking at me with sad eyes. I couldn't help but feel my heart sink.

"Of course Josh" I replied. I soon walked down stairs, the boys staring at me. I shrugged them off and opened the fridge. 

Josh's POV

Later that evening as I lied on the couch watching TV I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Grant. "Hey man, sorry about this morning," he said. 

"Of course man, I get it I would probably laugh too," I responded. 

"Haha, I mean yeah. Who's stupid enough to jack off with the door unlocked in a house full of men without manners? That is so dumb," he said.

"Okay man don't push it. Jokes over," I stared long and hard at him. He began to get uncomfortable and walked backwards into the kitchen completely rolling over the dining table like a dumb ass. 'This bitch', I thought to myself and just went back to watching Wife Swap. 


Sorry about the short chapter. I'm watching Family Guy and barely paying attention but I'll take recommendations. 

The boys one shots. previously: Josh x Mully (I- I'm so sorry about this y'all) Where stories live. Discover now