the beginning

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┌─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┐

i've never been much of a coffee enjoyer, which is ironic-because now the whole internet knows me as "coffee girl".

it just so happened that i was carrying a cup of coffee when i bumped into him.

here is the story of how i coincidentally met a famous streamer and coincidentally fell in love with him.

it was a pretty day outside. the type of day where the clouds resembled marshmallow fluff, and there was a nice breeze shaking the shedding autumn trees. crimson leaves fell down on to the busy sidewalk, the sound of them getting crunched as people hurried over them.

i took the nice weather as a sign i should go outside. so, i put on jeans and a hoodie and headed to my local starbucks to get a coffee.

on the way there i had my headphones in, listening to whatever song would play on shuffle. sex sells by lovejoy came on, i didn't know who exactly the band was-i just knew they had a heavy minecraft fan base for some reason.

i nodded my head along to the music as i walked a couple blocks down.

when i arrived, i took my headphones out and stared at the menu.

"a pumpkin spice latte would fit the kind of day today has been" i thought to myself.

and so, even though i hated coffee, some dumb part of me decided to order a pumpkin spice latte.

don't get me wrong, it was good. but it just wasn't as good as everyone says it is. maybe it's just because all coffee tastes the same to me, or maybe it really is just overrated.

either way, i was still going to finish it because i didn't want it to go to waste.

i walked back to my apartment in disappointment, my plans to have a cute coffee morning was ruined by this pumpkin spice latte.

i put my headphones back in and sex sells continued to play, i looked down at my phone to check the time.

and before i knew it, i was laying on the sidewalk with coffee all over the ground.

"shit" i cursed as i tried to get up, checking to see if any got on me.

to my luck, it didn't. however, there was someone standing in front of me now who looked very worried.

"i'm so sorry oh my god im so sorry" they ushered.

"oh no it's okay" i smiled, assuming they were the one i bumped into, "i should've been looking at where im going" i laughed.

"i should've been too. im so sorry. did any get on you?" he asked.

"oh nope. you?" i replied.

"no, thank goodness. agh i feel so bad..." he sighed, looking down at the sidewalk.

"don't worry about it, really" i reassured. it wasn't like i spilled my favorite drink in the whole word. in a way i was relieved that i didn't have to drink all of that.

"can i buy you another coffee? i still feel bad" he shyly asked.

"...sure, if it makes you feel better" i nodded.

we walked back to starbucks in utter silence. i took this time to observe the stranger i was walking with. he had on a black hoodie with a cool red design on it. he was wearing black jeans and regular black converse.

simple outfit, but it looked good.

we arrived at the starbucks and he asked me what my order was.

"ah it was a pumpkin spice latte but i didn't really like it" i admitted.

"yeah they're overrated aren't they" he laughed, "how about hot chocolate?" he offered.

"sure!" i nodded.

he ordered for both of us, and now i felt bad because he paid for my drink when in reality i didn't care that my pumpkin spice latte was gone.

when our order was ready he handed the cup of hot chocolate to me, and we walked out.

i finally looked up at him after avoiding eye contact this whole time.

he was pretty.

i don't know how to describe the color of his eyes, but something about them stood out to me. his hair was a dirty blonde and very fluffy, and he was blushing intensely.

"t-thank you for getting this" i motioned to the hot chocolate i was holding.

"yeah no's the least i can do" he nodded, " you around maybe" he smiled.

i stood there, my mind racing with a billion thoughts. i couldn't let this opportunity go. he was so cute, and polite.

"um by the way could i get your number? i think you're...kinda cute" i nervously asked.

"oh yeah what the heck yeah here" he told me his number and i put it in my phone.

"and your name?" i asked.

"karl" he smiled.

"i'm y/n" i nodded.

"i'm happy i bumped into you today y/n" he waved before walking off, "text me soon".

i stood there, watching him walk off, holding my phone tightly to my chest.

"so his name is karl" i thought to myself.

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

a/n: heyyy so basically i wrote this in october LMFAO and i've rewritten some parts like this whole chapter but i can't fix the whole story because i'm too lazy -_- so please ignore plot holes and other weird stuff!
also at some points i use dream and sapnaps real names (WHICH WHEN I WROTE THIS I DIDNT KNOW AT THE TIME THAT THEY ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS) so i have tried to change every line that they are in to dream and sapnap instead of their real names. if you see anything i missed, i'm sorry i didn't see it.

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