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it's been about three weeks since me and karl actually started dating. all of karl's friends knew and would tease him about it secretly.

now, although now we are just putting a label on it, me and karl have liked each other for longer than we have been dating. it's felt like i've been with him for years but in reality it's only been three months.

are u free today?

yes sirski

let's hang out
meet at starbucks at 4?

yes can't wait to see u :)

it was only 2:30, but i felt like i needed to start getting ready. i slipped on a sweater and some jeans and did my makeup, and by the time i was done with all of that it was 3:30. time goes by fast when you can't pick an outfit.

i walked over to the starbucks where me and karl first met. i was a bit early so i waited around until i heard a squeaky voice say my name. i looked over to see karl approaching me while waving.

we hugged and talked for a little before going inside.

and of course, ordered two hot cocoas.

we sat down and watched people walk by on the sidewalk.

"so..." karl said.

"so?" i said smiling.

"i actually wanted to talk about something"

"shit did i do something" i said in a worried tone.

"no not at all" he laughed.

"ok fuck i don't know why i always jump to conclusions like that" i joked.

"i know we've only been dating for a few weeks but we've liked each other for longer and stuff" he said.

"karl if you're proposing to me i-" i joked.

"NO STOP LET ME TALK" he laughed.

"ok ok go on" i said.

"i wanna go public with this" he said.

public? like his fans?

"public..." i said.

"it's okay if you don't want to i just i don't know i thought it would be a good idea for some reason and-" he rambled.

"karl, i don't mind. don't worry about it, you can tell your fans" i cut him off.

a look of relief came over him as he nodded and smiled.

soon, the next day arrive and karl was going to stream and subtly slide in how we are dating now. was i nervous? no, not really. i mean what is there to be nervous about?

i got the notification that karl went live and i clicked on his stream.

i watched for a few minutes before he got the perfect opportunity to tell everyone.

a dono came in saying, "what happened to coffee girl? spill the tea jacobs"

he laughed at it and blushed a little.

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