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"first question: what would your first date be like with y/n?" austin asked, "who wants to go first?"

"i'll go" karl confidently smiled.

i rolled my eyes and blushed, of course he volunteered to go first.

"well i've already had a first date with y/n. but i guess my next date with her would be star gazing, she's been talking about it a lot often and i promised myself that the next time i see her i'm taking her star gazing" he blushed.

"AWWWWWWWWW KARL" i immediately yelled.

"stop" he hid his face, he was obviously embarrassed.

"AHEM simp ahem" jimmy added on.

"jimmy might be on to something here" sapnap laughed.

"what the honk guys" karl was so red.

"i'll go" quackity said.

"okay quackity has volunteered let's hear the plan" austin said.

"well i'm a classic yet simple man, i think you are too. i mean judging by the fact that you're dating karl" he smirked.

"WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO-" karl started to say but austin muted him.

"did you just call me a man" i looked offended.

"NO NO NO NO I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY IT LIKE THAT I-" quackity tried to clear his name.

"whatever. continue" i scoffed.

"anyways, i would take you on a nice minecraft date since i cant quite go all the way to new york at the moment. i'll build you a house, maybe even go netherite hunting with you if things go well. i'll even show you my fat a-" he explained.

"ok! that's enough, i think she heard enough" austin interrupted.

"can i say mine?" george asked.

"go for it gogy" austin sighed.

"okay well hm i guess we would go on a picnic. i don't know you seem like a picnic type of person and you always talk about how you wanna go on a picnic with ka-" george said.

"OKAY YEAH OKAY WE GET IT YEAH" i interrupted him, making sure he didn't finish his sentence.

"no what were you going to say george" karl laughed.

"she said she wants to go on a picnic with-" he started speaking again.

"WHOS NEXT?" i shouted, interrupting him once again.

karl was laughing so hard, and i was trying to hold in laughter too. george seemed like he was having the time of his life.

"um i would take you on a date with karl. well i'd be on the date with karl, but like you'd be there too i guess" sapnap said.

"okay? uhhh well i don't know it seems like you're just here for karl" i sighed.

"how did you make that conclusion?" he looked surprised.

"i don't know, it just seems like it. sorry i jumped to conclusions" i shrugged.

"it's okay i forgive you" sapnap nodded.

"who wants to go next?" austin asked.

"i'll go" wilbur nodded, "i guess i would fly you over to london, since last time you were here it was kinda chaotic. i would like to sit on the roof and chat again, that was actually quite nice" he smiled.

"yes i agree that would be nice, i miss you a lot" i nodded.

quackity frowned and karl rolled his eyes.

"you're like even more of a simp than karl is" dream wheezed.

"shut up! i'm just a gentleman!" wilbur sighed.

"that's what you call a gentleman? if y/n and i went on a date, i would cook for her, show her i'm good in the kitchen. whats your favorite food y/n?" bob7 asked me.

"uhhh i don't know" i shrugged.

"okay well i'll cook your favorite food and we can have a candle lit dinner" he winked.

"GROSS" george shouted.

"yeah that's kinda cringe" karl scoffed.

"yeah sorry bob7" i smiled sympathetically.

"who wants to go next" austin sighed.

"i will" dream spoke up.

chat went absolutely INSANE.

"i guess i would be even more of a gentleman than wilbur and bob7 were. i would speedrun our
date-" he started to say.

i was drinking water and immediately spit it out, laughing so hard i felt like i was gonna pee. literally the whole cast was trying to hide their laughter, you could even hear austin trying to speak but holding in his laughter.

"okay- i- okay- anyone-.....anyone wanna go-....i'm
sorry- anyone wanna go next?" austin managed to say.

"dream what the fuck! speedrun a date? do you even have a fucking life?" schlatt was wheezing.

"stop! i thought it was- *wheeze* a good- *laughs* idea!" dream defended himself.

"if i took y/n on a date i would let her pick the date" schlatt nodded.

"that's not any better than speedrunning-"dream laughed.

"FUCK OFF GREEN MAN" schlatt yelled.

"it is better than speedrunning, sorry dream" i laughed.

"i'll go next" eret cleared his throat, "i guess i would fly you to l.a. and show you around. there's a lot of cool places around here so i think it'd be nice to show you around" he smiled.

"yeah that sounds fun!" i nodded.

"eret is like the only normal one here" quackity laughed.

"y/n. if we go on a date i'll let you buy whatever you can hold-" jimmy started to say.

"jimmy, this is a date not a youtube video" karl was laughing.

"what? i thought it was an actual good idea" he scoffed.

"okay, y/n. time to make your decision. please message me who you want to eliminate" austin said.

"wait no i don't wanna eliminate anyone" i said, looking sad.

"you have to i'm sorry" austin sighed.

"ok fine" i messaged austin the bottom three and who i wanted to eliminate.

"oh? are you sure about this? okay uh..." austin was hesitant to announce the results.

"the results will be announced after this ad break" he smiled and played ads.

i cant believe i chose to eliminate him. but i guess it had to happen...

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