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the next few weeks me and karl got really close. he would come over whenever he could and we would watch twitch or just talk.

we weren't officially a thing though. it was one of those things where we aren't labeled but we also shouldn't be seeing other people.

coming over in an hour


seeing karl made me genuinely so happy. it was a different type of happiness that i've never felt before. it was like when i was around him i had constant butterflies in my stomach and everything he did would make me blush. even just looking at him or hearing him speak would make me happy. i've fallen hard.

i waited an hour or so until i heard karl knock on my door.

"hello!" he said, holding two hot cocoas.

"KARL" i jumped into his arms hugging him as tight as i could.

i took the hot cocoa from his hand and took a sip. this drink reminds me of him now.

"SIT DOWN" i yelled.

we walked over to the couch and i laid my head on his lap.

"what do you wanna do" i said.

he was silent for a little before speaking.

"um..i kinda wanted to talk to you about something" he said nervously.

when i tell you my heart dropped, it dropped.
have i been too clingy?
have i taken things too fast?
did i do something he didn't like?
did i upset him somehow?

i sat up suddenly and looked at him.

"did i do something" i said, obviously worried.

the expression on his face immediately went from being nervous to sympathetic.


i exhaled and said, "ok good i was worried i messed up" i smiled, relieved.

"well it's quite the opposite" he said.

"what?" i asked curiously.

"well we've gotten really close the past few weeks. we see each other like almost everyday. and i know we both like each other" he said, voice kind of shaking.

"where are you going with this" i questioned.

i knew where he was going with it. i wasn't expecting him to ask so fast though, not that i minded though. he was right, we have gotten incredibly close the past few weeks. after the whole niki thing it's like there was nothing blocking us from being with each other.

"well...i...i..." he stuttered.

"yes" i said.

"yes? he laughed.

"if we are thinking the same thing, then yes" i smiled.

"are we thinking the same thing?" he asked.

"will you be my boyfriend karl jacobs" i said impulsively, smiling like an idiot.

"we are thinking the same thing" he laughed.

"so is that a yes" i said.

"yes" he replied.

i jumped up and yelled, "YAY"

he laughed and said, "that went better than i expected".

i laid back down with my head in his lap. god even looking at him i was flustered.

"i've fallen for you hard" i muttered under my breath.

"what?" he asked.

"nothing" i said, turning red at the fact that he heard me.

"me too" he said.

"what?" i asked.

"i've fallen for you hard too" he said smiling.

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