go live

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chat was going actually feral when karl said he was texting a girl-it seems like he didn't get many...surprisingly. his friends were also teasing him.

sapnap had started to shout, "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME? WE ARE MARRIED KARL!"

it was entertaining to watch all of this go down, and it made it even funnier that all of this chaos was over me.

i decided to cause more trouble, so i texted him again.

everyone absolutely lost their shit-they were past feral. karl jumped out of his chair and immediately walked out.

he came back 30 seconds later and had his face in his hands; man really went dark.

i watched as he picked up his phone and replied to me, it was so weird to watch-especially since i was on the other side of this.


does this clueless asf man not know that he can turn off his ringer :O

i went back to the stream and saw him smile and put his phone down, turning off his ringer and pretending to go back to normal.

his stream went on for about one more hour, the chat still going crazy about him texting a girl and the boys occasionally slipping in jokes about it.

as soon as he ended his stream he texted me.

thanks for giving me content

i smiled at my phone and replied saying that i am happy to help and that i wanna steal his clout. he replied several seconds later suggesting i make a twitch and we can play minecraft together.

now that's where i had to stop him, i basically had no time to stream or even grow a platform at that.
good idea but no, i'm too stressed with life already

come on just stream one time i'll advertise you on twitter
you don't even have to stream often

no thanks
sorry, just don't want to be too famous 😬

alright whatever 🙄🙄🙄

but i mean
feel free to feature me on ur next stream :)

tomorrow at 6?

yeah fuck it i'm down

it was an impulsive decision to say the least.

well as any normal person would feel, i was nervous.
but for some reason, i felt reassured just by the fact that karl was here with me.

chat was going crazy over the fact that i was "coffee girl" and everyone was shipping me and karl. we decided to go along with the bit and build a fancy restaurant on our server where we could go on a "date".

once we were finished building it, we went in and sat down.

"y/n, serious question" he said.

"yes karl"

"i know this is our first date but i think i love you" he said hesitantly.

"KARL WHAT" i yelled into my mic.


"ok yeah sure i know you love me" i smiled.

"but is the feeling mutual"

i stayed silent for a few seconds for the momentum of the moment.

"yes" i said, quickly walking out of the restaurant we built.

the chat lost their shit.

"clip that" karl laughed.

even if it was for a bit, i think in the many alternate universes there are out there-i'm probably already in love with this boy.

perhaps one day one of those alternate universes become reality.

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