Basic stuff you should know part two

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Here we are again.
South Asian countries are very underrated in the CH fandom, so i decided to step up and write a book about it!
Why? Im Indian!
For all my desi's out there, i advise you to also write a book on CH South Asia on wattpad! That being said, Lets move on to the characters :D

I just wanna say, originally there were 8 main characters. then it turned to 9 and then into 11 and then holy cow 12. Im gonna list them all

-Just like Asean and Nato, hes a human version organisation! He wears a white-ish coat (and golden pants and gloves) with 8 country flags sewed on to it, And loves Pigeons. Why? becausr his flag are two hands holfing 8 pigeons, one pigeon for every country he takes care of. He loves Tea, and often gets tired of his countries. Also he cant cook for hell, so often asks help from Maldives

-He is THE ultimate chai boi. He loves listening to music, and often fights with Pakistan. Whenever there is a cricket match, humanity is forgotten. His best friend is Russia, even though most people dont know that, and hes biggest country out if the desi countries, Vegetarian

-This country shalt do anything foreth China. Hes kinda pessimistic, but he loves Cricket. Again, lots of fights with his brother India, And teases him. He wears a pink scarf for a peculiar reason, and Is scared of closeted spaces (hes claustrophobic). And hes ultra shovel (secret word)

-Whenever her brothers fight, This poor country is the one who tries to make peace, but sometimes sides with India. Since shes the youngest and the only girl one of the Mughal family, Her siblings are over-protective of her. She loves Nepal, the Dino boi, Helps him calm down often. Shes pretty mischievous, and has a stuffed monkey

-Alright, for the ones who haven't read my first book, lemme just say that, WE SHALL DO ANYTHING FOR THIS DINO BOI. For real, hes a precious, Innocent bean and everyone loves him. Whenever he gets stressed or upset, he starts making small dinosaur roars, and its up to the rest of the saarc countries to help him calm down. Everyone loves him! (even me)

-Shes most probably the most responible out of the 8. She says 'oh boy' Alot,She Loves reading books about mysteries, wears a black hijab, Songs get stuck in her head easily, she treats people like an older sister, Cares about people alot, wants the world to be a peaceful place, May be nice at first but dont get her angry.

DRAGON BOI. He can breathe fire and has orange and yellow wings. he actually has a pet dragon named Druk. Hes Dragon Buddies with Wales, and is generally a happy person. He loves cracking jokes and making people laugh, especially Tibet. Whenever is Winter, everyone moves close to him too feel warm!

Sri Lanka
She really Dislikes broken promises, has two eye colors (Dark blue in the right and Orange for the left), slightly bigger than Bhutan, Is very funny, now once you think about it her country looks like a teardrop, Somehow never gets cold no matter what. She is also kinda like the evil genius of the group, and stands up to people. and probably the most likely to kil- you heard nothing

Shes a small island, but shes the most reckless and dangerous off all. She loves to swim in her coral beaches, and loves scuba diving. Shes the smallest one, and is often teased for it. Shes also the one who comes up with all sorts of nicknames for countries. The country who cooks most of the meals, since SAARC cant make cereal without somehow burning himself


British Raj
Hes the past colonisation of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. He is absolutely pure and innocent, he hates violence and won his Independence with peace. He always wanted a father to love him, but that never worked out, so we basically already adopted as our child. he wanted a united India, but instead he got three diffrent countries who were not like him at all

Oh no-
He is generally a good guy except he knows Pakistan loves him, but he dosen't love him back. Hes using Pakistan to have revenge on India (or something like that). Dont hate on this country, im sure the citizen's are just fine.

British Empire
The destroyer of islands, Colonizer of countries, that one guy we all hated. He had like LOTS of kids but never loved any of them. What can i say, he was supposed to be a father to British Raj, turned out to be a trickster. he also wears a golden crown on his head. but now Britian is totally cool-

Mughal Empire
Great. Another bad dad. He was British Raj's father for quite some time until thr British Empire and another Empire killed him of. He did Opium and drank. There were alot of Mughal emporers, some were bad some were good. He wanted to do nothibg but rule the country and spread the Mughal Empire. He also built the Taj Mahal ._.

Shes the lover of Bhutan, although they are quite opposites. Bhutan hates water and Tibet loves the rain. Bhutan loves pulling pranks and laughs and Tibet tries her best to stay serious. Bhutan is an outrovert and Tibet is an introvert. But thye still fell for eachother :>

I think thats all! Also btw Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh are siblings and their real father was the Mughal Empire. Was he a good dad? heh no ofc but he was better than thr B.E.

heads up these are the ships incase u didnt know:

Afghanistan × India
Pakistan × China
Bangladesh × Nepal
Sri Lanka × Maldives
Bhutan × Tibet

make yourself comfortable and start reading :D

Incorrect Quotes: Book 2 (SAARC countries because they need love)Where stories live. Discover now