Nepal: SAARC!? I mIxEd ReDBuLL wItH cHaI aNd NoW I cAn sEe tHe SoUnDs, sHoULd I wOryY??
SAARC: Nepal, i swear to God-

Incorrect Quotes: Book 2 (SAARC countries because they need love)
HumorIf you havent read Book One, You should! So, Basically All the countries from South asia in one big mess. Stay safe guys BOOK 3 OUT!! Highest Achievement: 5th in xd
Redbull with Chai (36)
Nepal: SAARC!? I mIxEd ReDBuLL wItH cHaI aNd NoW I cAn sEe tHe SoUnDs, sHoULd I wOryY??
SAARC: Nepal, i swear to God-