YOU ARE READING Incorrect Quotes: Book 2 (SAARC countries because they need love) Humor If you havent read Book One, You should! So, Basically All the countries from South asia in one big mess. Stay safe guys BOOK 3 OUT!! Highest Achievement: 5th in xd #checkoutmyotherbooks #country #countryhumans #countryhumansafghanistan #countryhumansbangladesh #countryhumansbhutan #countryhumansindia #countryhumansmaldives #countryhumansnepal #countryhumanspakistan #countryhumanssrilanka #incorrectquotes #saarc #underrated #xd Groceries (73) +plus a lil meme 242 2 4 by IhateOnions- by IhateOnions- Follow Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Sri Lanka: Whoah, hang on, you carry a checkbook with you? SAARC: Of course, you never know when you're gonna need groceries. Sri Lanka: So cool. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Say son, why does that chap hate me so much?) (Dosent he know i gave him railroads?)