Mughal Empire: Whatcha got there Raj?
British Raj: A Fathers day card for the best father in the world
Britian: Aww, thats so sweet, than-
British Raj: *looks at the two empires dead in the eye and gives it to Soviet Union*
USSR: Thats right you pricks
(Alright lemme just say that the USSR and British Raj had a strong friendship, but to be honest, The British Raj never had a good father. Soviet is NOT british raj's father, but more of a Friend. Thank you)

Incorrect Quotes: Book 2 (SAARC countries because they need love)
HumorIf you havent read Book One, You should! So, Basically All the countries from South asia in one big mess. Stay safe guys BOOK 3 OUT!! Highest Achievement: 5th in xd