gUyS LiStEn (not a chapter but 162)

164 2 2

Ok just wanna saay this isnt a real chapter i just put the number there :^

Theres a i wanna adress. its this:

i feel this song describes the British raj's relationship between Britain VERY, VERY much. Btw this all starts after 1:43

"Did you know that that boy is an armed man"
Indians are forced to participate in a war they have no part in. Then, ofc, there was the rifles that was greased with cow and pig fat.

"Bearing flowers in two hands"

The farmers in India were forced to grow crops like Indigo. The mill cloth made by the British industries was sold in india, and no one bought the hand made woven cloth made by Indians

"Very able to hold me down.. and love me more than anyone"

CH British Raj wanted a person to love him and respect him. but he never got a father like that

"Bruno, What happened to your good sense"

The Indians nation wide are shocked as an Indian oflficer named Mangal Pandey was hanged on 8 April 1857. Another example is that there was a law stating that if a ruler died without a child, his kingdom would be taken over the British

"I broke down, that mans good i bet he works for the Government"

The British wanted to make changes the way British Raj was governed.
In 1928, A committee named Sir Simon began working on this, but there was no Indian in the commission. Indian were angry and boycotted the commission. They shouted the slogan 'Simon go back'. Another thing is how Britain stole 45 Trillion dollars from the British raj.

"Did you hear about that mother?"

Rumours of the Mughal Empire and the British spread around the country.

"Broke her daughters legs in two and said its too dangerous out there to walk so i had to save you"

Although the B.E never loved British India, he wanted him for only for himself. about 500 years earlier the Portuguese first started trading with India, soon came the Dutch, French and Finally the British. Soon, the countries started fighting against each other to get a bigger share of the trade for themselves. Finally, The British defeated the others

"I think its real unfair that you should put him there"

In 1922, Gandhi is sent to prison after trying to conspire to overthrow the goverment. He is sentanced 6 years in prison but is released in 1924

"All we did was kiss, on my grave i swear"

now we gotta go back in time a bit. The Mughal era had no problem with Homosmexuality (lmao sorry i cant write it) at all. There were a couple of gae princes and princesses. And then the British came and descriminalized it and that was that. In fact, The British did that to several of their colonies

"I think its real unfair that you should put him there"

Again Gandhi and a couple of others are sent to prison, but are soon withdrawn

"Everyone will come. Everyone will yell"

The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. on 13 april 1919, a non-violent meeting was held in Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. On the orders of General dyer, The british soldiers blackrd the only exit and fired for 10 minutes into the unarmed crowd. Thousands were killed or Injured, and this shocked the entire country and also some British

"I'd thank you just the same if you didnt tell"

The British when leaving forgot one thing. They didnt tell India or Pakistan who gets Jammu and Kashmir. This created LOTS of problems

"My Mother says that i will surely go to hell, Please be a good man, please say you wont tell"

idk my hands are paining but theres plenty of examples

(I wrote alot and i love this Song. Fanu1bwba)

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