Ah well.. it was nice writing incorrect quotes for my underrated desi countries. So long, everyone..
I AINT EVER GONNA STOP THIS SERIES XDDDFr, i love u all, and my chai loving countries. it will be too hard to part.
But for now, lets rewind some memories part two!:
*SAARC casually walks into living room*
SAARC: Why are the lights off?
*lights come on and confetti is thrown everywhere&
SAARC: you know im not actually related to any of you, right?
Nepal: Your better than half the dads we once had
SAARC: You know what? Everyone needs a hug right now. Get your tragic backstories over here.
Sri Lanka: Waffles are just Pancakes with abs
Afghanistan: Sometimes i wonder if your mind works
India: Look, Pakistan, I know we don’t get along.
Pakistan: *scoffs* Yeah we sure as heck don’t.
India: Shut up. I brought you a gift as a peace offering.
Pakistan: What is it?
India: *handing it to t
him* Here, it’s a bath bomb. You just throw it into the bath when you need to relax.Pakistan:
Pakistan: India, this is a toaster.
Nepal: *looking at the stars*
Bangladesh: What are you doing?
Nepal: Naming the stars after people i love
Bangladesh: Do i get a star?
Nepal: You get the sun
British Empire: am i in hell?
British Raj: no, Britain. if you were in hell, you’d be on a throne and the devil would be packing.
Nepal: A tree's biggest insult is a treehous
Nepal: "Here i killed your friend, Hold him"
British Empire: If i Die, my funeral is gonna be the biggest party and your all invited
British America: "If"
British Raj: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to and he might not even die
Bhutan: Which Country has the most birds?
Bhutan: Portu-geese
Bangladesh: Wait thats a language
Sri Lanka: Portu-gull
Maldives: Nice recovery. Or should i say, re-dove-ry?
SAARC: Turkey. How did we miss Turkey?
SAARC: Do u wanna play 20 questions?
Pakistan: Sure!
SAARC: You first
Pakistan: Whats your favourite colour?
SAARC: Triangle. My Turn. Do you like boys?
Maldives: The best way to get revenge is to forgive and move on
India: Oh come on-
Maldives: And then you play into their hands until they are unsuspectingly vulnerable. And then when the time comes, your betrayal will hurt more
Bhutan: How did my clothes even catch fire? I bought them because the tag said “inflammable”!
Nepal: Inflammable means flammable..
Bhutan: What?! That doesn’t even make sense!
British Raj: If i die, i want you to carry my coffin
B.E: Thats very kind of y-
British Raj: So that you can let me down one last time
Thats it guys, wait uptil the next book which i think will be published by tomorrow!
I love u all <3

Incorrect Quotes: Book 2 (SAARC countries because they need love)
UmorismoIf you havent read Book One, You should! So, Basically All the countries from South asia in one big mess. Stay safe guys BOOK 3 OUT!! Highest Achievement: 5th in xd