Chapter 1

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Kylies POV:

I stepped off the scale with a defeated groan. Tears stung my eyes, blurring the number on the scale. Not that I minded. I didn't want to see that horrible number anyway. 130 pounds. The picture played over and over again in my head. That was the day something clicked inside me. The day that I wanted to turn my life around.

From that day on, I had been watching what I ate and limiting my calorie intake to 1,200 a day. I tried to lay off the candy and refused to drink soda. The holidays had rolled around and I was really proud of myself that I had used my will power to lay off of the pie and all the holiday cookies that I once stuffed my face with.

This past Christmas was quite honestly the best Christmas I had. My parents got me One Direction tickets for their concert in the summer. I couldn't have been happier. I was losing weight, getting to see the 5 boys I love so much in person. I started smiling more, and everyone could tell that I was a lot happier than my old fat self. Everyone was telling me how good I looked, but a part of me still didn't believe them.

One day, my mom approached me.

"Kylie," she asked, with a worried tone to her voice.

"Yeah, Mom?" I smiled at her.

"You've been losing weight like crazy lately, and I haven't seen you eat as much. You're an athlete. You should be fuelling your body so you can do the job for your team. Now go eat something, please."

I looked at her, dumbfounded. I mean, really? I had only lost about 10 pounds, and I felt fine. But a part of me was wondering if I really was doing something bad to myself. I've read a lot of stories about people dying of anorexia and bulimia, but i never thought I would ever happen to me. I shuddered at the thought, but brushed it off. I ate a protein bar just to satisfy my mom.

By March, I had finally reached my goal weight. 105 pounds. That was about right for my petite figure, and I felt a little better about myself. But I still looked in the mirror and all I saw was fat. Thunder thighs. Stomach rolls. Double chin. I hated it.

Summer came, and it was time for the One Direction Concert. I was super excited, I always had a soft spot for Niall, and I couldn't wait to see him and the rest of the boys perform on stage. My mom took me and my friend, Savannah to the concert, but she wouldn't tell us where our seats were. When we finally got there, we were THIRD ROW. Yeah, that's right. It was crazy. Niall kept eying me and he even winked at me a few times. He whispered something to Li, who nodded. They both smiled at me, and I could tell that it wasn't my imagination.

"Ky! Did you see that?! THE Niall Horan and THE Liam Payne both just smiled at you! He's been eying you all night Kylie. And you know it!" Savannah said, shooting a smile in my direction. I blushed.

"Shut up, Savannah, it doesnt mean anything, he's just being friendly."

After the show, there was a meet and greet. Savannah and I waited in line for what felt like YEARS. Years I tell you, years. My feet were aching and my stomach was growling but I ignored it all. I was about to meet my five idols. Once they were in my line of vision, I felt my heart speed up. I couldn't believe that this was ACTUALLY happening to me. We approached the line slowly. And I mean SLOWLY. minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days.

My heart raced. The tiniest, gladly almost inaudible, shriek escaped my lips. Savannah elbowed me in the rib and giggled a little. I met Zayn first.

"Hello there, Love. How are you doing?" Zayn asked, grinning.

"Great," I said, handing him my CD to sign with a shaky hand. "and yourself?"

"Good thanks," he smiled at me once again and I moved on to Harry.

Hazza shot me a cheeky smile, quickly scribbled his signature, and made a little small take with me. And yes, he is way more gorgeous in person. AH THE FEELS.

Then was Lou. I could almost hear Liam whisper to him, "That's her!" followed by the unmistakable voice of Niall Horan saying, "shut up, mate!" and then he laughed. That famous Niall laugh that I've heard a million times before in every One Direction video diary. I could've died on the spot. But thankfully I held myself together. I made my way down to the table to Liam.

"Hi, Love." Liam said, and smiled up at me. I could see his elbow move and jab Niall in the ribs, just like Savannah had done to me earlier. Niall groaned a little. I giggled and smiled at both of them. Liam shot me a wink, and I winked back at him. And now, it was time for Niall. I was about to meet NIALL JAMES HORAN. He looked up at me and his cheeks blushed a rosy red.

"Hey there, beautiful. How's it goin'?" He asked me, smiling. His smooth Irish accent gave me butterflies. Weak knees. Sweaty palms. You know, the works. Straight out of the fairy tale books. 

"Pretty good, what ab--" "OK, HURRY ALONG." Paul said, as he ushered me away from Niall. Shit. I had my chance, and I totally completely blew it. I'm never gonna see this kid again and I barely said a word to him.

 I wasn't able to look down at the CD until Savannah and I were back in the car. I peered at the boy's signatures and I was surprised to see that each one of them wrote a little note.

Zayn's: Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of you! Zayn xx

Louis': Your bum is almost as nice as mine! ;) Lou"

Harry's: You have a nice smile, I hope we can see it again soon! Harry x

Liam's: You know who is a lovely girl? You. You know who is a lovely guy? Niall. Hmm.. Liam"

and Nialls...

Listen to Liam! Give me a call sometime? XXX-XXX-XXXX oh, and please don't show this to anyone. You could imagine why... Niall xx

Oh. My. Gosh. I have Niall Horan's number. And they want to see me again. Holy...I think I'm gonna die. No wait, then I can't meet them. This time, I couldn't hold back my scream.

"What?!" Savannah said, wincing. "it better be good, because I think I you just made me blow my eardrum." She looked at me eagerly.

"Niall. Just. Gave. Me. His---" I stopped. Niall told me not to show anyone his number, and I felt like I needed to keep it a secret, Even if it was my best friend.

"HIS WHAT?!" Sav demanded. I sighed.


Savannah just smiled and looked down at her phone. That's what I loved about her. She never pestered me when I didn't want to tell her something. She gave me my space when she knew I needed it. I was so glad to have her.

I took this as an opportunity to shoot Niall a quick text message,

Hey, its Kylie. From the concert:)

My thumb hovered over the send button. Do it, Kylie! My inner-self urged. I closed my eyes and hit the send button. Alright. That's it.

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