CatNoir!Karamatsu and Ladybug!Reader

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Inspired by _yaoyoro_'s prompt.

I bit my bottom lip nervously, my right index finger hovering just above the doorbell marked as 'Matsuno'.

It was simple. All I had to do was push it in and reunite with a dear childhood friend, then everything else would play itself out.

At sounded simple, but this 'simple' thing had kept me from asking for a few weeks.

I pulled my hand away before turning towards the stairwell, intending on going back to my own apartment a few floors up. My feet took the flight of stairs a few steps at a time, practically leaping up the stairwell to the safety of my own floor.

On the second landing, I barely saw someone turning around the same corner, shifting my weight too far back and feeling my right foot land on the landing edge at the wrong angle. The sudden change in momentum nearly had me fall back down the stairs I just jumped, my hands reaching out for anything to grab onto. A strong hand grabbed onto my left wrist and I instinctively held onto theirs with my left hand, my back slamming into the handrail on the wall but not falling down the staircase.

"Ahh...!" I clenched my teeth and sucked in a breath as pain shot up my leg, feeling the awkwardly-landed foot twist harder into the extreme angle. Without warning, whoever had saved me from a bad fall yanked me towards them and shifted their arms to rest underneath my knees and shoulders, scooping me up.

"Are you all right?" Their voice rumbled through their chest, the vibrations against my left arm.

"Yeah...I think it's just a twisted--" I looked up to see the aged face of one of my childhood friends, the thick manicured eyebrows rising a little as his dark eyes seemed to register my face as well, "...ankle..."


I quickly looked over his features, knowing that he was definitely one of the sextuplets but unsure which one, "...yes?"

His grip shifted on my body, bringing me closer into a hug as a smile spread his lips wide, "(Y/n), it's so good to see you! It's me, Karamatsu!"

"Kara...matsu?" The name registered a face, old memories surfacing of a boy running around and getting into trouble, dragging most of his brothers down with him as his bad luck kicked in. I gave a burst of surprise laughter as I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a hug in return before realizing he was still holding me up on the stairway landing, "<It's been so long, Karamatsu! How have you been?>"

"<I've been doing well, (y/n)>," He laughed back and gave another squeeze before gently setting me down, keeping an arm around my shoulders as I adjusted to the twisted ankle, "<I'm sorry that I haven't stopped by to say 'hello'. I thought I recognized your last name on the mailbox, but I've been busy with the modeling...>"

"<You've been modeling?>" I raised an eyebrow as Karamatsu bent down a little to slide his hand from my shoulder to my right hip, pressing my left side against his body and letting me lean against him as he guided me up the stairway, taking each step as slowly as I needed to, "<I thought you would've had a chance in Tokyo...not here in Paris...>"

"Your Japanese is still awful," Karamatsu laughed.

"Oh, did I switch?" I raised a hand to my lips, an embarrassed flush spreading over my cheeks, "Sorry...I guess that I thought it would've been easier for you to understand me if I spoke Japanese..."

"I've had to learn French in order to work here, so hearing my native language was a little startling," Karamatsu lightly grunted as he helped me up the last step, "But no worries! Your native language is just as beautiful."

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