Chapter one

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Jaz stirred in bed and woke up. She sat up and yawns before looking at the clock on the wall. It was 6:20pm and a Monday morning.
  Jaz yawned again and climbed down from the bed. She wore her slippers and went into the bathroom, after getting a change of clothes from her wardrobe.
  She came out of the bathroom minutes later wearing a dark yellow and black hoodie and white cotton pant. Jaz look into her dressing mirror and did her glossy straight waist length black hair in a top knot style before slugging her bag on her shoulder and strolled out of her room.
   Her family was seated at the dinning table eating breakfast when she joined them. Ada, the maid quickly served her food and Jaz  gave her a smile.
  She pick up her spoon and began eating until Mr Valerian, her father broke the silence. He looked directly at Jaz as she concentrate on her eating.
' You know this is your final year semester, Jazlyn?' Mr Valerian voice was crisp and clear.
'Yes, Dad'. Jaz respond. She knew what was coming and sighed inwardly.
  'So i want you to behave well and respectably'. I don't want anymore troubles from you this year'.Mr Valerian said, his eyes on his daughter.
'Yeah, i understand', Jaz answered.
'You should also pay more attention in class, dear'. Maggie interpolated and Jaz ignored her.
   She gulped down her creamy tea and took her bag. 'I need to get going,bye'. Jaz said and moved to peck her mom check. She smiled at Joshua, her elder brother and he winked at her. Joseph was silent beside him and reading through a article, Jaz walked out and meet Pedro in the driveway.
  You are ready?' He asked.
'Yes, can we leave?' Jaz walked to the car and got into the back seat while Pedro hurried to join her. He has been her driver since she started highschool and lived in the workers quarter of their house.
  The morning traffic wasn't bad and Jaz relaxed into the seat of car and thought about her parents lectures that morning during breakfast. What did her old fashioned father know about life? He was always busy making money as the managing director of the Metro World Bank and her mother was a house wife in a way and a fashion blogger. All their talks didn't make any difference to Jaz as she has her mind on one thing. Trouble!
  She would make sure she got her pound of flesh and forget everything that has happened the last semester. Jaz closed her eyes and tried to not to think.

'Hey! Jaz!' a shill voice called and Jaz turned to see Sachi smiling as she came to her with three other girls.
  'Sachi!' You are back and all of you too', Jaz said excited.
  'Yeah,babe, it's final year'. Araminta said and winked.
  'You looked beautiful and taller', Sachi teased.
  'Oh,girls! Jaz closed her locker and hugged Lani and Nova.
'Welcome back,it feels so good to see you girls again'. Jaz said with a genuine smile and hang her hand around Nova and Sachi shoulder as they strolled out of the locker room.
  'It's time for fun, Jaz'. Sachi said.
'Of course, great fun'. Araminta added as she linked arms with Lani.

Everyone settled down for classes that morning and in the afternoon Jaz goes to have lunch with her gang of friends in the cafeteria. They talked mostly about their holiday and cute boys in school.
  'Are you still thinking about that? Lani asked Jaz, as she remained silent eating.
  'No',Jaz shook her head and mulch her sandwich.
  'Then say something, we have been talking round the table',Araminta said and rolled her pitch black eyes.
  'The holiday was boring',Jaz told them and take another bite of her chicken sandwich.
  'Oh,so bad, Nova rolled her tongue as she drank from her can of coke.
  'Yeah, I did managed'.Jaz pulled out the ring pull of her Coca Cola and drank a great quantity.
  'Now we are back to school',Sachi said and eat her steak. 'We can have all the fun we want'.
  'You can say that again',Jaz swallowed as she thought of the things she has in mind.

As predicted, the statistics class was boring and Jaz found it as an opportunity to listen to music through her earphones.
  Mr Adams was annoyed when he saw Jaz listening to music in his class. He narrowed his eyes and called her name.
  'Miss Jazlyn Yardley?' He called and she gave him a look and feigned a smile which irritated him.
  'Can you get up?'.This is a class'. Mr Adams added. 'How can you be listening to music?'
  Jaz stood up and removed the earphones.'Did you say something sir?' She asked innocently.
  'It is an offense in class,you will be punished'.Mr Adams told her and the class gasp.
  'Why?' Jaz narrowed her ice blue eyes.
'Detention at 6',Mr Adams said and turned back to the board.
  'I don't mind', Jaz shrugged and sat down.

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