Chapter 5

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'Now we are done with the Algebra revision'. Dante said as he closed his note.
  'Yeah, Jaz stretched her arms and yawned.
'The test is next Monday, get ready'. Dante told her.
  'Of course I'm'. Jaz respond. She sip from her can of chilled water. Their school test was to be the next Monday and Dante has made Jaz study with him.
  'Are you free tomorrow?' Dante asked awkwardly.
  'Naw, What have you got in mind'. Please no more studying, I'm tired'. Jaz mumbled.
  'Then come to lunch at my house, say 12pm tomorrow'. Dante said.
  'Lunch at your house?' Jaz asked, astonished.
  'Yes, will you accept the invitation?' Dante was expectant she would accept.
  'Wait, let me think'. Jaz told him and turn away. She complement about the invitation and turned back to him. Her face giving nothing away.
  'I accept, 12pm', Jaz said and Dante beamed.
  'Yes, 12pm, I'll write down my home address', Dante said and took his pen with a paper. Jaz watched as he scribbled on the paper and gave it to her.
  She read it and kept it. '12pm tomorrow'.
Yeah', Dante beamed again.

Jaz hope her yellow button up shirt and grey  jeans short with knee high sneakers was good enough to impressed Dante mother. She asked Maggie for permission and told Pedro to drop her off at Dante house and arrived exactly at 12pm.
  Dante house was a beautiful duplex painted green. It wasn't a big building but beautiful and lovely with flowers along the driveway and a well manicured lawn.
   She rang the bell standing at the threshold and her heart skip a beat. A young girl open the door and offer her a warm smile.
  'Hi I'm Jazlyn'. Jaz said awkwardly.
'The girl Dante invited to lunch, come inside. Olga said and Jaz entered the house, into the living room.
  'Olga, have you checked on the strawberry gateaux and poke pie?' A woman voice ask and the woman entered. Jaz knew that was Dante mother, she was svelte with curvy figure and has long blonde hair and the same coal black eyes like Dante's.
  'You are Dante guest?' Venitia asked Jaz.
'Yes, I'm his classmate', Jaz said, suddenly unsure of herself.
   'He already told him, Venitia seize up Jaz to her expectations. The girl doesn't look bad.
  'Olga, tell Dante to come down for his guest', Venitia said. Her tone sharp and level.
  'Yes aunt', Olga respond and lead Jaz to seat on the sofa. She went upstairs while Jaz tried to relax her nerves.
Dante came downstairs to meet her wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. His hair was tousle and glowed golden and he smiled at Jaz.
  'You came on time', he said.
'I keep to time, Jaz countered. He came and sat beside her. He has this scent of fresh lemon and sandalwood soap.
   'Have you seen my Mum?' He asked.
'Yeah', Jaz gulped. 'She want into the kitchen'.
  'Dante! Will you help to set the table?' Venitia asked.
  'Yes mum'. Dante rose from the he sofa and  joined his mother in the dinning room.
  'Are you Jazlyn?' A little voice asked. Jaz turned to find a young girl of nine with her golden brown hair in braids.
  'Yes', Jaz smiled. This little girl must be Kathleen.
    'Dan told me you were visiting for lunch, I'm glad to meet you'. My name is Kathleen, feel free to call me Kath'. Kathleen said.
  'Well, I think like your name', Jaz said as Kath came to sit beside her.
  'Then I like yours too', Kath respond.
'Kath, when did you came in?', Venitia asked as she came into the living room.
  'Just now, Mum, I saw Jaz and she is pretty, I mean with long hair and beautiful eyes. Dante has a good choice of friends, she is sweet'. Kath said boldly.
  'Darling, I agree. Now let's eat lunch, Jaz come along'. Venitia took Kath hand and lead the way into the dining room.
  The dinning table was set with food and Dante was arranging the glasses as they entered. Jaz sat down beside Olga and opposite Dante, Kath sat beside him and Venitia took the head of the table and served  out the food.
  'Do you like macaroni cheese and spinach salad?' Olga asked. She was two years older than Jaz and very slim.
  'Yes',Jaz nodded as she filled her plate.
'How long have you been attending Leland?' Venitia asked as she served Kath plain baked potato and Irish stew.
  'Since the beginning of junior high, Jaz said.
  'And you live in Manhattan? I suppose', Venitia said.
  'I do, with my family'. Jaz respond. Dante looked at her under his lashes eating from his plate of scampi.
  'How many are you in your family?' Venitia carried on with her questions.
  'Five, three kids and my parents'.
'We are also three kids, Olga is my cousin'. Kath said and Dante shushed her.
  'So what does your parents do, I mean their occupation?', Venitia has her eyes on the teenage girl as she ate her smoked salmon.
  'Dad is the Managing Director of the Metro Bank and Mum, well, she is a fashion blogger'. Jaz said, she tried to hide her trembling. Venitia, Dante mother seems so interrogative.
  'A fashion blogger?' Olga interpolated. She served the chicken casserole into her plate and set down the dish.
  'Who's a blogger?' Kath asked with the curiosity of a nine year old girl.
  'I guess she is famous, what about your siblings?' Venitia persisted and Dante growl inwardly.
  'Not so famous, Jose and Josh are in university. Jose study Medicine and Josh study computer engineering'. Jaz said and saw Dante distress look.
   'Den, my older son also attend university, he study Chemical Engineering'. Would you like some fish casserole?' Venitia offered the casserole dish and Jaz shook her hair.
  'What are you gonna study in university' Olga asked. 
  'Gaming Technologist', Jaz answered.
'Wow, can you play games?' Kath asked.
   'Yes, I innovate gaming apps'. Jaz said.
'That's creative',Venitia remaked.
   'Thanks, Mrs Venitia, Jaz smiled. She felt her inner tension relax.
  'You can call me Venitia', Venitia beamed.
'Mum, I want the lemon cake for dessert', Kath requested.
  'I have made rhubarb cheese cake', Venitia told her youngest daughter.
  'Mum, you know I like lemon cake', Kath pout her lips.
  'It's time for a change, sweetie'. Venitia teased and everyone chortle. Jaz realized she actually like Venitia.

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