Chapter 10

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Ada help Jaz in styling her hair into a triple twisted and messy ringlet bun. It was the prom party that night and Jaz was getting ready as Ada assist her.
  She was looking more beautiful in the royal blue gown and the open toe heels and her make up was lovely. Jaz was excited and nervous as she got ready. She sincerely hope nothing bad would happen that day, regarding Sachi and the gang revenge.
  'Wow, darling, you look so stunningly gorgeous!'. Maggie exclaimed as she entered the room. Jaz has just stood up from the dressing table.
  'You look so pretty and lovely tonight', Maggie hug Jaz as Ada left them and went out of the room.
  'Thanks mum', Jaz respond breathing deeply.
  'Are you nervous, I can feel the tension. Anyways, let's take a selfie'. Maggie said and brought out her phone. Jaz has to smile into the camera and Maggie snap them with beautiful stickers.
  'The pics are really cute', Maggie was looking at them again while Jaz tries to stay calm. She has been restless.
  'You are nervous, do wanna stay home?'
'No, Today is my prom party'. Jaz told Maggie.
  'But you never like party, that's why you are nervous'.
  'I might have never been to a prom but I want to enjoy myself tonight, it's everyday that you graduate from high school'.
  'Yes, I also enjoy my prom and you have Dante as your date. He will keep you out of trouble'.
  'Mum, I don't do trouble anytime'.
'He has changed you, I'm glad'.
   'He's only a good friend, I've changed, I know'.
  'What about Sachi and the other girls, what was their names again? Those your gang of friends?'
  'Araminta, Lani and Nova, they are also attending the party'.
  'I mean have they changed, like you?'
'Hmm...It's getting late and I have to go, Dante is coming to pick me up'. Jaz said taking her silver small purse and walk towards the door.
  'Yes, I know'. Maggie beamed.
Mr Valerian was sitting at the living room reading a book when Jaz came downstairs with Maggie.
  'You are going to the Prom?' Mr Valerian asked, his eyes on his daughter.
  'Yes, dad'. Jaz said and swallowed.
'Come here, Jaz'. Mr Valerian called softly and Jaz looked at Maggie, Maggie nodded towards her husband and Jaz went to him.
  'My beautiful daughter', Mr Valerian said as he hugged her and Jaz was shocked. When was the last time her father hugged her?
  Mr Valerian released his daughter and kissed her forehead. 'I'm so proud of you, very proud'. He said lovingly and Jaz smiled, a genuine smile.
  'Thanks dad'. She respond.
'I was worried you might never graduate from highschool, I was really pissed when you were suspended and it's not even your fault. I'm so sorry'.
  'Dad, those were the past and you see, I have a big future ahead and I guess what you did is an iron hand in a velvet glove'. Jaz told him.
  'Jaz, iron hand and velvet glove', Mr Valerian was already laughing.
  'Yes Dad, I'm sorry for being stubborn'. Jaz said quietly.
  'You know, being stubborn is good sometimes, everything has got pro and con'. Mr Valerian added and Maggie agreed, they both loved their daughter.
Dante entered the living room to meet Jaz laughing with her parents. They turned to him as he entered and he saw Jaz, as beautiful as a fairy tale princess.
   'And who's this?' Mr Valerian asked as he clear his throat calmly and ice blue eyes on Dante.
  'I'm Dante Sherwin', Dante introduced himself politely.
  'He's Jaz date for the prom party', Maggie said.
  'Are they dating?' Mr Valerian looked suspiciously at Dante, his eyes seizing the boy up.
  'No sir, we are friends', Dante respond and swallowed. He hasn't meet Mr Valerian before, Jaz has said he was very busy and kind of strict. Now, this tall, muscular and strapping man was breath taking.
  'I'm Mr Valerian, Jaz father and we haven't meet before, so you are taking my daughter to the prom?'
  'Yes', Dante answered.
'Jaz is kind of naive, if you know what I mean, so I want you to take care of her and keep her away from trouble. Well, she's your responsibilities for tonight and bring her back home safely'.
   'Dad, I'm not a kid, I can find my way back home'. Jaz pout her lips.
  'We can't take chances, dear, you guys should get going'. Maggie said and slid her hand around Mr Valerian waist.
   Jaz kissed them goodbye and left with Dante.
  Dante was dressed in his royal blue tux with white long sleeve and black bow tie with black loafers.
   'You looked incredibly handsome, Mr Captain'. Jaz teased as she entered the SUV he has brought with a driver to converge them to school.
  'Well, I tried my best but you beat me, no doubt, you look so astoundingly beautiful and lovely, like the queen of the night'. Dante winked at her as he joined her in the seat and Jaz blushed.
The school multi purpose hall was filled with student and everywhere was dazzling with lights. Dante took Jaz hand as they entered the hall and eyes turned to watch them.
  Well, it was time to have fun as the music started playing and Jaz forget about her worries for Yalena and and dance with Dante. It was a really good dance as Dante was a good dancer.
  The dance floor was filled with every student interested in dancing, both male and female.
    After the dancing, awards were called and given. Jaz was shocked when she was called and given the award for being the best student in GD with a five credit!. Jaz wasn't expecting this and has to scream in joy as the school cheers.
    Dante won the crown as the king of Prom. After the award giving, they was celebrations and Jaz sat down to eat as she was hungry. She hasn't seen much of Sachi and the gang, except when she had climbed the podium to get her award and they has lock eyes.
  Jaz enjoy the food and drank lot of juice, as she sat alone on the table. Yalena came to her, she wore a strapless red sequined floor length gown and her bobbed hair was in a dramatic chignon bun. She has come with Lewis as her date.
  'Do you know I'm worrying how you got that award, I mean, did you cheat in the exam?' Yelena asked as she sat at the table.
  'No, Jaz snapped and suddenly remembered what Sachi has planned to do to Yalena. She has to warn the girl. 'Yalena...'
   'Then, how did you manage? You don't even deserve it'. Yalena interrupt Jaz.
  'Yalena, listen to me, you ...'
'Really, you wanna tell me that you didn't cheat', Yalena interrupt Jaz again.
  'Just hear what I has to say', Jaz said loudly and people around looked at them.
  'I don't want to listen to you, save your peals of advice'. Yalena said and walked away.
  Jaz knew Yalena wouldn't even hear what she has to say, so she went and look for Dante. He was drinking with his friends.
  'I just saw Yalena', Jaz said quietly.
'Did something happen?' Dante asked.
   'No, she won't even hear me out'. Jaz said tiredly.
  'Now what are we gonna do?', Dante inquired and look around.
'There's only one thing, we have to look for Sachi'. Jaz said and took Dante hand. They
look through the entire hall and couldn't find neither Sachi, the girls or Yalena. Jaz and Dante went into every empty class rooms and checked everywhere but couldn't find them. Then it dawned on Jaz that they might be on the rooftop, it was Sachi favourite spot for smoking.
  She lead up Dante and they rushed their.
Yalena has been lure by the girls to the rooftop and has a argument with Sachi and the gang. The argument soon turned into a hot fight were Yalena has to struggle with them but they end up overpowering her rip her clothes.
  Yalena still didn't give up, she hit Lani on the head with a pipe and Araminta with Sachi pushed her down the stairs in a hot fit of rage.
  Yalena fell down and land at Jaz feet as Jaz stood and watch them with Dante, Dante took a video of the incident and immediately called the principal, Mr Wolfe, while Jaz attend to the unconscious Yalena and covered her up with her torn gown. Jaz called the ambulance as the school hospital was closed and Yalena was converge to a hospital.
  Sachi and the gang has been caught and lead to the police station for questioning. They were detailed until the next morning.
  Dante dropped Jaz back home by 10:22pm and she hugged him goodbye, almost in tears.
  Jaz couldn't sleep that night as she rethink the day incident in her head and hope Yalena recover soon.

Jaz and Dante went to the hospital where Yalena was admitted and got news she has regain consciousness. Her parents Mr and Mrs Sanborn were so furious about the incident and filed a report against Sachi and the gang. The gang would be taken to court for assault on their daughter.
  Yalena has suffered a broken leg, broken ribs and concussion from the fall but she was now okay as she lay on the bed.
  'I'm so glad you visit', Yalena said quietly.
'We has to see how you survived', Jaz teased and Yalena laughed.
  'Thanks so much for visiting, I was lonely', Yalena admit, she knew she wouldn't have been in this condition if she has only listen to what Jaz has wanted to say. Now, she has learnt a lesson the hard way.
  'Here, eat', Jaz placed the small plate of lemon yogurt cake on Yalena lap. 'Eat, it'll help cheer you up'.
  'Yes, don't be so moody', Dante added as he sat on the arm chair and enjoying a piece of the cake. Yalena smiled at them and slowly relaxed to eat.

The trial continue for Sachi and the gang in court as Yalena parents refused to give up. The CCTV footage captured by the school was used as an evidence which found Sachi and the gang guilty of assault.
  Sachi and the gang, Araminta, Lani and Nova were sentence to eight months imprisonment in a juvenile court. Sachi requested to see Jaz before leaving to say one last word. They were grated time to talk in a small room.
  'Sachi, I'm so sorry', Jaz said as she entered the room. Her hands were on her hips and her waist length hair in a low ponytail. Jaz look petite in her white long sleeve tunic and black leggings.
  'Jaz, I should have known, I should have listen to you'. Sachi began haltingly. 'I thought I was right, I was wrong, very wrong and now I have to spend the next eight months in a tiny little prison. He maybe I won't have been here if I has listen to you, maybe I went too far without knowing. I has made a complete fool of myself, my family and their reputation. I was always a failure, Jaz, I wish I was like you. I wish I knew the limit of my revenge, anyways, it's no use to cry over  spilled milk.  I wish you all the best in life and hope Yalena would forgive me sometime in the future'. Sachi sob and wipe the tears away.
  'Sachi, you know I love you like a sister, I care about you and this...this is gonna be over soon and you will come out well'.  Jaz said, her voice heavy with emotions.
  'Jaz, goodbye'. Sachi added with a finality as the cop came closer and took her away.

Jaz was quite during the ride back home with Dante. He was sitting close to her, reading something in his iPad when Jaz suddenly burst into tears.
  'Jaz', Dante called as he kept his iPad away on the seat. He took her by the shoulder to face him.
  'You are crying', Dante said and lay her head on his shoulder so she could spill out all her pent up emotions. Jaz weep as she thought of the suffering her friends will have to go through.
   Dante comfort her as she cried and gave her his handkerchief to wipe the tears.
  'Thank, you are a strong person'. Jaz teased him.
  'I'm always a strong person'. Dante said proudly and Jaz raised her eyebrow in mockery.
  'Not strong enough for my liking', Jaz snorted and Dante laughed.
'You are really funny'.
'Thanks for comforting me', Jaz smiled at him.
  'Too close for comfort', Dante winked. 'I'll always be here for you, to support you and help you cope in hard times'.
  'Is that a promise?' Jaz tilted her head backward and crocked her mouth.
  'I don't make promises I can't keep, so, yes it's a promise'. Dante said, he took her hand and wrapped his around hers. Jaz smiled and nestled her head against his shoulder.

Do you think Sachi and the gang got their punishment? Let's hear your thoughts on this issue as we draw the story to the final  part. Hope you guys have enjoyed it so far and I must say, I'm happy with the votes and comment so far and can't wait to update the finale. Do you think dreams come true and will Dante be with Jaz? Find out from the last part of this gripping story and don't forget to share yours. Waiting.

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