Chapter 4

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After classes, Jaz and Dante walked to the soccer field. Jaz wore a chenille cyan sweater with grey hipster jeans and boots. They has finished classes for the day and Dante has made her wait behind for his soccer practice.
  'I heard you were suspended last semester for some sort of involvement with cigarettes', Dante said as they walked and he saw Jaz expression changed.
  'Who told you?' She asked.
'I heard it, tell me how true it is?'
   'You don't have to believe everything you hear about me', Jaz said annoyed.
  'You don't want to talk about it?'  Dante said.
  'Yes, and don't ask another question', Jaz snapped. She was already doing enough by obeying every word he says, what does he want and why does he want to know about her suspension?
  Jaz didn't say another word and wait for Dante practice to end before returning home. She focused on her new gaming app and worked on it to change some errors.
  Jaz finished the changes and went downstairs to get water when the doorbell rang and Maggie asked her to check who was there. Jaz walked to the door and opened without looking at the video intercom or peep hole and saw to her amazement, Dante!
  'Dante! What are you doing here?' Jaz asked.
  'Hi, I came to visit'. Then he showed her his backpack. 'We can study together for today'.
   'Jaz! Who's at the door?' Maggie asked as she stepped behind Jaz and looked at Dante.
  'Hi ma, I'm Dante'. Dante said to Maggie.
'Welcome Dante, you must be Jaz boyfriend', Maggie said and Jaz gasp. She blushed.
   'No, I'm her reading partner'. Dante said with one of his charming smile.
   'Come in, Jaz let him in', Maggie said and Jaz gave way for Dante to enter.
  'I'm Margaret but call me Maggie'. Maggie told Dante as he came into the living room.
  'Actually, I came to study with her', Dante said.
'Really', Maggie noticed the backpack he was carrying. 'You guys can use the den'.
   'I will lead the way, follow me'. Jaz said grumpily. She was wearing a brown v neck singlet and black ripped short with slippers.
   They both went into the den and Dante relaxed on the sofa.
  'Why are you even here in my house?' Jaz asked her arms folded on her chest.
'So we can study, we have to pass our exams to gain admission into university'. Dante said.
  'Oh please!' Jaz hissed.
'You have a beautiful house and a amiable mother'. Dante said as he brought out his books. Jaz has thought he was unserious about the reading thing.
  'Thank you, I'll go and get my books'. She said and went out of the den. Jaz was pissed she was studying with Dante and nothing could save her as Maggie encouraged it by bringing Steak frites and creme caramel.
   Dante thank her and enjoyed the food while Jaz has suddenly lost her appetite. Ada came to clear the plate away as they finished eating.
   'Are we still studying?' Jaz asked and frowned when Dante nodded.
  'But we are tired, the food has to digest. You know', Jaz seriously wanted an escape.
   'You don't worry about the food digestion, let's concentrate on the Algebra'. Dante told her.
   'You jerk!' Jaz mutter under her breath.
'I heard you', Dante smirked and flip through the textbook.

The next morning, Jaz arrived at school bushed and dog tired. She lean against the classroom wall eating pitta bread and strawberry yogurt when Sachi and the gang approached.
  They has only arrived in school and has sighted Jaz leaning against the wall eating.
  'Hey! Araminta called. 'Lover girl!'
Jaz turned to her as she ate the remaining piece of bread and wrapped the empty yogurt can in the plastic bag.
  'What do you want?' Jaz asked as she throw the plastic bag into the nearest bin.
   'Wow, where is your boyfriend?' Sachi mocked.
   'I don't have a boyfriend', Jaz told them. She would have to ignore them to avoid trouble.
  'Seriously? Where is Dante?' Lani rolled her petrol blue eyes. Her long straight blonde hair was in bunches and twisted into buns.
    'Don't ask me that question?' Jaz warned them.
  'Why?' Sachi came closer. She auburn hair fell to her face.
  'I think you guys were dating?' Nova smirked.
  'Did he abandon you?' Araminta scowled.
'That's seems to be painful, Lani scoffed.
   'Wait has he touched you?' Sachi said and they laughed, obviously making fun of Jaz. Jaz ignored them and took her backpack, without a word she walked down the classroom corridor.

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