Chapter 8

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Jaz felt lively as she bounced into the locker room by the end of her day classes. She get to her locker and opened in to keep her books when a small card fell out to the floor.  Jaz was surprised and curious as she bent to pick it and saw a neat sleek handwriting, it was familiar and she read it.
Are you free this weekend? Thinking of asking you out for a date? Tell me if u wanna come along; The Date.
Jaz gasp in surprise and shock and turned to see Dante directly behind her, in fact she has to lean against the locker and he tower over her.
  'Are you surprised?' Dante asked.
'Yeah', Jaz looked into his coal black eyes and felt a shiver ran down her spine. Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. She prayed not to stammer as she spoke.
   'Wasn't expecting it, I mean the date thing'. Jaz said and looked down quietly.
  'So? What's your verdict? Are you coming or—'
  'Agreed', Jaz said breathlessly and Dante grinned.
  'Sure?' He raised an eyebrow.
'You shouldn't tease me', Jaz bite her lower lip awkwardly.
  'Then I'm lucky, so which time do you suggest on saturday?' Dante asked in a whisper and Jaz felt the glance of all girls in the locker room on them.
  'Hmm...When do you think?' Jaz didn't know because that would be her first date and has started 'feeling' something more than friendship for him.
'Jaz, it should be convenient for you'.
'Say, 12noon'. Jaz suggested holding her breath.
  '12noon, superb!' Dante grinned showing his Snow white teeth.
'We has agreed on a time, now can you please move away. They are watching'. Jaz said quietly. Yalena has just entered and was staring at them.
  'I see, why?' Dante chuckled. He moved and stood apart.
  'Why?' He shoved his hands into his jeans pocket casually.
  'Rules and regulations, now go'. Jaz said trying to sound nonchalant and normal. Dante didn't know this was her first date, surely?
  'Yeah, I can't wait'. Dante winked at her before moving to his locker, chuckling again and Jaz smiled as she saw Yalena facial expression. It was the one of utter shock and Jaz knew she was going to love this date with Dante.

'So how do I look?'Jaz asked Maggie as she came into the living room and twirl around.
  'Beautiful', Maggie look up from her laptop.
Jaz wore a dark red velvet sleeveless gown with round neckline and a high pair of white wedge with her hair styled in side loose curls.
  'Cute, but what's the outing?' Joshua asked coming into the living room with a glass bowl of cocoa pebbles. He sat on the arm chair and grinned at Jaz.
'So?' He asked.
'She has a date', Maggie told him and Jaz frowned.
'Really, is it that boy?'. Joshua was really curious.
  'You mean Dante, yes'. Maggie answered him and type on her laptop.
  'Wow, you look pretty in a gown'. Joshua comment and Jaz pout her lips at him.
  'And this is the first time I've seen her with girlie stuff, I mean the make up and jewelry. Even the hair style', Maggie teased her.
  'I don't like them much but I do today', Jaz said in protest. She took her white clung bag a matching one with her wedges.
  'I need to go', Jaz said hurrying away.
'Wait, tell him to kiss you', Joshua laughed.
Jaz paused and turned to him. She made a cute puppy face, sticking out her tongue.
  'I wonder how you eat cocoa pebbles like a baby, so immature', Jaz added before she went off and heard Maggie loud chortle.
Jaz touch her face as she ride in the taxi to see Dante at the schedule restaurant. She hasn't applied too much make up. Just little face powder, mascara and eyeliner only added to brighten her face. Anyways, it shouldn't be to much, Jaz prayed.

Dante was waiting for her in the mall hall looking striking handsome wearing a orange  thick hoodie and black ripped jeans with orange leather vulcanized high sneakers. Jaz  walk up to him and he smiled at her, boldly.
  'Hi, you made it on time'. Dante said as he took her hand. He admired the silver bracelet on her wrist.
  'Have you been waiting long ago?' Jaz asked her heart fluttering as he took her hand in his.
  'I didn't want to keep you waiting, anyways,  you look lovely in this gown'. Dante whispered as he lead her to the food court. Jaz muttered a thanks and blushed, indeed, she has spent five long hours sorting through clothes to wear before deciding on the dark red gown. She has only wore it once, which was her birthday and it had been a present from Maggie.
  'We are having lunch before the movie'. Dante told her as they sat down at the table in the food court. Others were busy with whatever they were doing and eating their food. Jaz looked around quietly.
'Are we seeing a video?' Jaz asked him and Dante nodded reading the menu.
  'It's the idea of the date', Dante whispered as he lean on the table. Jaz loved the smooth drawl of his voice. She gave him a small smile and place her white purse on her lap.
'Which movie are we gonna watch?' Jaz asked.
'Well, it's a surprise, wait and see'. Dante winked at her before standing up to get their  order from the severery.
  Dante came back carrying a filed trolley with food. There was chicken fried steak, frito pie, cioppino twinkies, tater tots, fortune cookie and banana split.
  'Why do you have to buy so much food?' Jaz asked as Dante served her chicken fried steak.
'All we have to do is eat and enjoy our day', Dante told her and Jaz shook her head and ate a piece of the chicken.
  'And who's paying the bills?' Jaz teased him lightly.
  'Maybe I might as well end up cashless', Dante voice was filled with humour and he lift the fork of steak into his mouth when Jaz burst out laughing and nearly choke on her food.
'Funny', She dropped her glass of juice. The smile illuminating her small face.
  'Delicious, you should taste the frito pie'. Dante said and Jaz ate from the piece he was offering her.
'Yes, delicious', Jaz chuckled delightfully.

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