Chapter 2

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Jaz was feeling sleepy as everyone settled down for the next class. She has been working on a disturbing app and has a sleepless night. She try not to doze off as the next teacher would soon be coming and saw Sachi whispering to Nova.
  Jaz, Sachi and Nova were in the same class while Araminta and Lani were in another (commercial) although they were all 12th grade students. As Jaz doze again, Mrs Natasha,the class mistress entered with a tall boy and introduced him to the class.
  Hi Class, This is Dante Sherwin and he is joining us here in Leland, I hope you guys make him very comfortable. Mrs Natasha said, her irish accent very thick.
  'Hi Dante',the class said in one voice while Jaz struggle to keep her eyes open. She immediately lock eyes with the new boy, Dante and frowned. He was also looking straight into her eyes. Weird!
   Dante was given a seat behind Jaz and Mrs Natasha left. Jaz didn't bother to turn and introduce herself to him like most of the girls,including Sachi and Nova.
Jaz sat with her gang in the cafeteria and they ate lunch as she told them about the gaming app she had finished working on.
  'So what the use of this app?' Lani asked as she ate her fish fry.
  'To locate and buy your zombies character', Jaz explain as she ate her tater tots.
  'I don't like zombies',Sachi said as she sip her lemonade.
   'Why?' Araminta pushed her plate of pasta and reached for some pepperoni pizza.
   'They are scary',Sachi told them.
'She's scared of spook',Nova joked and Jaz laughed.
'Girls, have you seen the new boy in our class? Sachi asked suddenly.
  'Really? Which one?' Araminta was quick to be interested in boys. Handsome boys.
   'His name is Dante, he's really cute',Sachi giggled. Jaz was surprised by Sachi interest in Dante.
  'Dante, cute name',Nova agreed.
'He is like a Roman god, Sachi hiccups as she giggled again and Jaz passed her a can of water. She was beginning to suspect Sachi has interest in the new boy, Dante.

Yalena was coming towards Jaz but looking into the paper she was holding. Jaz smirk and set out her leg with the intention to make Yalena fall. Yalena came towards her line without looking up from the paper and stumble on Jaz foot and almost fell. Dante was quick to save her and she regain her balance. 
  'Thanks Dante, I almost fell'.Yalena said and gave him his paper before darting Jaz a mean look.
  'It's not a problem',Dante took his paper with a smile and sat down.
  Jaz grit her teeth as her plan failed, all thanks to Dante. How much she wanted to see the proud Yalena fall flat to the floor, It could have been fun and a great laugh. Jaz knew they was always another time and relax.
Olga open the door and let him inside. She grinned as she saw Dante tired face.
  'How was the new school?' Olga asked as they stepped into the spacious and beautifully designed living room.
  'Nice',Dante respond.
'I've made your favorite, Fajitas!' Olga said.
  'Fajitas aren't my favorite', Dante told his cousin before climbing upstairs to his room.
  'Bad boy',Olga called after him.
Dante refresh and has his lunch, he cooked himself spicy noodles with fried chicken and ate. Olga has gone out with her friends and he settled down to assignment.
  The assignment was easy enough and he finished them and thought of his new school; Leland International Private School (LIPS) and most of his classmates and the girl sitting at his front.
  Today he has saved Yalena, the assistant class captain which the girl Jaz has tried to fall. Jaz seem to be a stubborn and troublesome girl and he knew how to handle her type.

Jaz walked through the corridor with Sachi looking into her Technology Textbook when Sachi nudged her. Jaz looked up and Sachi gesture  forward with her head, so Jaz looked to see Dante coming from the opposite direction. He has his bag slung on his left shoulder and wore jeans pants with a red bottoms up shirt and the sleeves folded up to his forearm. His blonde undercut hair was glowing and shiny.
  'He is so cute and smart', Sachi whispered and pushed Jaz towards Dante as he walked pass them. Jaz and Dante collide with each other.
  'Can't you look straight while walking, you could have bumped straight into me'.Jaz scold, her silken voice hard and crisp. She walked away with Sachi hanging onto her shoulder and giggling.
  Dante paused and looked back at Jaz and her giggling friend. He wonder what sort of girl she actually was and walked away with his friend, Calvin.
  Calvin has saw Jaz behavior and wasn't surprised. He was amused to see Dante interest in her.
  'You won't like her', Calvin said.
'Who?' Dante asked as he held his plastic cup of juice.
  'Jaz, the girl that bump into you', Calvin open the foil wrapping his pie and bite into it.
  'Why do you think i will like her?' Dante asked, relaxed.
  'She is beautiful,I mean real beauty but too much trouble', Calvin said and remember he has had a crush on Jaz in junior high.
   'Too much trouble, are you serious?' Dante winked at Calvin. He could tell his friend has been liking this Jaz of a girl.
   'Yes, she was suspended last semester for some sort of involvement in cigarettes smoking and host of other offence in school', Calvin clean his mouth with his handkerchief as he swallowed.
  'Cigarettes involvement', Dante hide his shock well and Calvin didn't notice.
  'You heard me well, Cigarettes involvement', Calvin nodded.

Yalena lay the book on top of Jaz table with the page opened. Jaz has got 8/10 in the English course work.
  'At least you got a good score', Yalena remarked.
  'That's none of your business', Jaz closed the book.
  'Well, I'm impressed, did you cheat?' Yalena lowered her voice.
  'What did you say?' Jaz asked, iced blue eyes blazing like fire.
  'Did you cheat or work alone?' Yalena smirked.
  'If you dare repeat that word, Yalena, I won't hesitate to hit you'. 'How dare you!' Jaz voice shook with rage. She has clenched her fist hard and her fingers were digging into the flesh of her palm.
  'I won't', Yalena shook her head and tuck strand of her hair behind her ear. 'I don't get physical'.
  Jaz felt her temperature risen and drank water from her thermos flask. She closed the flask and torn the piece of paper from her book. She squeezed it and drew it out of the window.
  Jaz lay her head on her desk feeling sick, Yalena would definitely pay for this. She close her eyes and thought of a way to get Yalena in trouble.
  Yes, Jaz thought. She could implicate Yalena  with something. Jaz nodded silently, she knew what has to be done.
  Dante watched as Jaz laid her head on her desk. She has almost lost her temper with Yalena and he has noticed they weren't particularly friendly and Jaz would have hit Yalena. She has self control, Dante realized.
  He could see she was thinking and common sense told him she was figuring a way to mess with Yalena. Jaz could cause big trouble so Dante decided to keep his eyes on her.

Jaz finished her game and smiled as she dropped down the pad, but playing alone wasn't enough fun. It was a Saturday morning and she was sitting in the family living room playing games after eating breakfast.
  'Hi Jaz, are you playing a game?' Joshua asked as he strolled into the family living room upstairs.
'Naw, I just won a game'. Jaz told her brother as he sat beside her on the floor.
  'You are always a champion', Joshua said and dropped his arm around her shoulders.
  'Are you free this weekend, I mean today?' Joshua asked and Jaz shook her hair.
  'What's it?' She questioned as she raised her head to glance at him.
  'Let's go out for shopping', Joshua suggested.
  'Seriously, Josh', Jaz was surprised.
'Yeah, the house is boring and Mum is busy with her blog'. 'We can have lotta fun'.
   'Yes,where is Jose?' Jaz asked.
'He has a practical in college, get ready let's go outing'.
  'I'm good like this',Jaz said and looked down on her khaki pants and blue hoodie that matched her eyes color.
  ' make me think of a tomboy', Joshua joked as he got up from the floor.
  'C'm on, you know I don't like skirt'. Anyway let's go and rock the boutique',Jaz smiled as she pulled on her boots and tied the lace.
   'Yeah, I've got a new girlfriend', Joshua confined. 
   'Again, what is her name?' Jaz took her phone from the table and checked the time.
  'It's Barbara,you will like her', Joshua winked at his younger sister.
  'You are such a playboy', Jaz hit him on the shoulder playfully.
  Joshua could be described as a playboy easily as he always change his girlfriends just like clothes. He has date several girls and girls always fall for his good looks, especially when he smiles. Joseph was a puritan unlike Joshua and has got no girlfriend, he was only focus in his studies and graduating with a first class degree. Both Joseph and Joshua were identical twins but different in character and Jaz was more attached to Joshua.
  Their shopping was so much fun for Jaz and she enjoyed herself. Joshua was an expert with ladies stuff and showered them on his younger sister. Jaz hardly went out for shopping as Maggie, their mother did all of the choosing and buying. Jaz was content wearing her pants and tees and today she was exhausted form the outing and enjoyed every bit.

Dante closed his laptop and looked at his brother, Dennis. He was back home from college that afternoon and was now in Dante's room asking unlimited questions.
   'Have you got a new babe in your school',Dennis asked and smirked.
  'No',Dante answered.
'Why?' Dennis held the football between his thighs as he sat cross legged on the bed.
'I've to concentrate,Den', Dante respond.
'But you are done with Edith', Dennis said and Dante clenched his jaw.
  'I'm no longer seeing Edith,as you know'.
'Then that's good, I can give you tips on how to get more girls', Dennis winked and stroked his hair from his face.
  'What you should be doing is concentrating on your chemical engineering'. I'm done with having girlfriends'.
   'Oh', Dennis raised an ebony eyebrow.
'Yeah, now let me focus on this assignment', Dante said as he began writing on his note book.
  'Yes little brother', Dennis nodded grinning.


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