Chapter 9

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Their finals were about to begin so Jaz and Dante has been buried in their book all through the week. No outing, no playing around, no troubles, it was all study.
  Now, they has finished the day paper for the day and took a break. Dante went to meet his teammates while Jaz found her way to the bathroom.
    She finished her business in the bathroom and on the faucet to wash her hand in the sink when Jaz heard voices from the closet cubicle. Familiar voices. Jaz lean onto the wall and eavesdrop.
  'It's best we teach her a lesson, a hard and bitter one'. Araminta said.
   'Yes, she thinks the world revolves around her'. Lani added.
  'A pity, she will have to go through the agony'. Nova chuckled, loud enough for Jaz to hear.
  'Yalena will have to face the consequences'. Sachi said and the gang agreed. They would deal with Yalena.
  Jaz was shocked listening to their conversation and intend to do the right thing. She went out her bathroom and knocked on the next, the one the gangs were inside discussing.
  'It's occupied', Araminta called out.
'Open the door, Araminta, it's me, Jaz!' Jaz called out softly.
  She felt the gang hesitation to open the door and let her in. They now consider her as an enemy. Lani flung open the door and Jaz went inside. The gang have her a hard stare.
  'Yes, how may we help you?' Nova asked roughly.
    'You don't have to punish Yalena, don't do this revenge'. Jaz told them.
  'Have you been eavesdropping on our conversations?' Sachi asked through narrow eyes.
  'I heard everything, but please don't do revenge, stop this thing'. Jaz said quietly.
   'Why do you even care?' Lani threw in at Jaz.
  'Stop pretending to play the good girl', Araminta said.
  'Believe me, this isn't right'. Jaz stressed, her ice blue eyes imploring them.
     'Now, listen, we don't care what you think. That's not our problem and if you report this, I mean what you heard. Jaz, we would have to treat you badly'. Sachi voice lowered menacing and Jaz took a step backwards.
  'Are you threatening me?' Jaz asked, she wasn't surprised.
  'I don't mind, we have scores to settle later'.  Sachi said and gave Jaz a hard, powerful push. Jaz hit the wall and fell down. The gang laughed heartily.
  'Fine', Jaz said almost screaming as she got up from the floor and dust the dirts off her clothes. Jaz eyed the girls and went out of the bathroom.
    She goes back to Dante and they has a jolly time eating gyros, BLAST sandwich and waldorf salad. Jaz tries to look around for Yalena but couldn't find her and let it go. She has to concentrate on her exams.

'Congratulations, we are high school graduates'. Dante beamed at Jaz as they finished the finals. The last paper for the exam was over and students cluttered with friends in little thongs, gisting, laughing and celebrating  a happy ending to their exams. Their finals.
  'No more high school'. Jaz laughed. 'So are we heading home?'
  'No, not yet, have you forgotten prom party?' Dante looked at Jaz fondly.
    'No, I haven't, party aren't my thing', Jaz sighed.
  'Then, be my date for prom'. Dante asked in a rush.
'Yes, serious, I want you as my date or have you got ...'
Jaz has his mouth covered with her palm. 'No', she repeat again and shook her head. She would be his prom date.
  'Yes, I'll be your prom date'. She said and Dante blinked twice. He held Jaz hand place on his mouth when Calvin, came whistling pass them and Jaz withdrawn her hand.
Dante took Jaz to the nearest mall and they did shopping for the prom. Jaz wasn't use to shopping and struggle to find a comfortable dress until she saw a gown.
  The gown was backless and off shoulder and long to her ankle, flares down in net and has a beautiful color of royal blue. Jaz took the gown and changed, as she came out of the changing room. Dante was waiting with his tuxedo, the one he has chosen and coincidentally it was also a royal blue.
  'Wow, the gown is beautiful'. Dante said, his mouth drop open as he took in her shape.
'I like it', Jaz twirl around and giggles. 'Are you wearing that tux, it's okay'.
    'Definitely, it's like we are a couple'. Dante grinned.
  'We're not a couple, I'll go get my shoes'. Jaz turn hurriedly to hide her blushes. Dante left and she chose a black peep toe high pumps with design chain and matches with the gown.
  They paid the bills and left with a filled carriage bags of shopping. Jaz decided to tell Dante about Sachi and the gang plan on dealing with Yalena.
  'You heard them say that?' Dante questioned unbelievably.
  'Yes', Jaz nodded. 'I fear for Yalena, she can't deal with the girls alone'.
   'When do they intend to carry out this so called revenge ?' Dante asked.
    'I really didn't hear when and how, but those girls can do anything'. Jaz shivered as she remembered their threat , What could he do?
   'Don't worry everything will be find, we don't have to attend school until prom next week. She will be save from their trouble'. Dante assured Jaz and Jaz tried to stop worrying.

'So what took you so long to arrive home?' Maggie question, drinking her hot cappuccino. Jaz has just got home quite late and she has been worried.
    'I want for prom shopping', Jaz answered as she showed Maggie the shopping bag.
'Really?', Maggie eyes widen. 'I thought you don't like parties?'
  'Well, I has changed my mind'. Jaz did.
'So who's your date? C'om, it's Dante! I knew it'. Maggie has drop her cappuccino on the table.
  'Mum, please, you don't have to squeak like a kid'. Jaz said rolling her eyes.
  'Anyways, can I see the gown, darling?' Maggie said and Jaz gave her the shopping bags. Maggie brought out the royal blue gown and exclaimed.
   'Wow, this's beautiful. It would be close fitting for your body and I should blog about it'. Maggie said and Jaz frowned.
  'You can't use my gown as a blog post or something, I'm wearing it to the prom party'. Jaz said and took her gown.
  'You are so funny and protective'. Maggie laugh and took her cappuccino.
  'Say anything, but the gown is mine'. Jaz said defiantly and folded the prom gown into the shopping bag.
  'I see', Maggie shook her head as Jaz climbed upstairs to her room.

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