Chapter 7

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'Do you really think he'll listen'. Jaz said in doubt as Dante has suggested she report Apollo to the principal.
  'Yes, we can prove it to him that Apollo has been the master mind . It's not easy'.
  'I'm here, let's go'. Dante look around and found they were the only student in the room.
  'Alright, I'll do it'. Jaz took Dante hand and stood up. She took a deep breath to stable her equilibrium.
  'Yes', Dante held her hand firmly and they walked to the principal office.
  Mr Wolfe, the principal was surprise when Dante and Jaz arrive to speak to him. He made them sat down and talk.
  'I came to report a incident with Apollo'. Jaz  began.
  'Apollo Andrews? What's going on Jazlyn Yardley?' Mr Wolfe asked.
  'Last semester I didn't put those cigarettes in my bag, they never belong to me'.  Jaz continued.
  'Well, you can't defend yourself, you should be grateful we let you stay'.
  'Apollo did it, cos, I caught him smoking. I don't smoke and he has threatened me'. Jaz said, her tone serious and high. 
  Mr Wolfe gave her a look. 'How true is this, Dante Sherwin?'
  'In every way', Dante respond calmly. He knew they were walking on a tricky ground and couldn't afford to lose.
  'Then we will have to call Apollo Andrews and get the entire truth'. Mr Wolfe said.
  'No, he wouldn't say the truth. He will deny', Jaz interpolated.
  'So? Jazlyn Yardley, I don't have all the time in the world'.
  'If you cooperate with us, you can get the real truth'. Jaz told him.
  Mr Wolfe narrowed his eyes at Jaz confidence. He would definitely expel her if she happens to be lying and her accomplish, Dante, he wouldn't be spare.
  'Sir?' Dante called politely.
'Well, what's your plan?' Mr Wolfe asked straightforwardly.
  'You can meet us in the music room after classes, then Apollo will confess his sins.  Thank you sir'.  Jaz got up and bow her head before leaving.
'Why did you ask me to meet you here?' Apollo asked smirking.
  'Well, it's time we talk'. Jaz told him. She kept herself at a distance.
  'In the music room? Have you changed your mind?'
  'I don't want to be your girlfriend, why did you did it?'
  'What?' Apollo narrow his iron grey eyes and dug his fingers into his short cropped black hair.
  'About the cigarette incident last semester?' Jaz fired the question at him, aware the principal was listening.
  'Really, I thought that was over. You has been punished, two months suspension'.
  'That's because you kept the cigarette in my bag, why?'
  'Because I wanted you to pay for humiliating me and threatening to report me when you caught me smoking, huh?
  'You are a real bully and insecitive dumbo'. Jaz cursed angrily.
  'You are worst than a mug and couldn't defend yourself. I set up the dirty water in your locker yesterday and it was amazing to see you cry'.
  'Well, Apollo Andrews, I think you need to report yourself'. Mr Wolfe cut in as he came out from the cubicle of the music room with Dante. They has been listening to the conversation.
  'Mr Wolfe!' Apollo face register his shock.
'Yes, he was listening to our conversation'. Jaz told delightfully.
  'How dare you set me up!' Apollo shouted and turn to hit Jaz, but Dante was quick to stop him.
  'Don't you dare hit her', Dante said.
'Apollo Andrews, to my office. Now!' The Principal commanded.
  'Yes sir'. Apollo respond, his face has reddened.
  'Jazlyn and Dante, you guys can go home. Leave me to deal with Apollo alone'. Mr Wolfe told them. 'Thanks for standing up for the truth'
   'Yes sir, Dante said and lead Jaz out of the music room.
'Are you girls really avoiding me?' Jaz asked Sachi and the gang.
  'What do you want?' Nova asked.
'A word with you girls', Jaz said.
   'A word, say whatever you want to', Araminta told her impatiently.
  'Are you girls offended about anything I did, I mean what is wrong with you girls? We were never like this?' Jaz began and Sachi raised an eyebrow.
  'Really, we thought you has got the revenge you wanted. Apollo has been expelled'. Sachi said.
  'Apollo isn't my concern'.
'But you has been expelled, good job, Jaz'. Lani gave a insincere smile.
  'He has hurt me, not one time or two, he did horrible things'. Jaz told them helplessly.
  'So?' Araminta crocked her mouth in sarcasm.
  'I thought you girls would understand, we were friends. A gang of friends'.
  'Until you found a boyfriend in Dante and abandon us, well, you are no longer one of us'.  Sachi said, giving Jaz a hard look.
  'What do you mean?'
'We are no longer your friend, consider yourself an outsider from us'. Sachi added and link arms with Araminta while Nova sneered at her.
  'Have a nice day', Jaz said, she shrugged and walked away. What was the point in being friends with them? She has got Dante and that was enough.

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