Chapter 3

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'Jazlyn!' Maggie called curiously.
  'Yes, Mum'. Jaz turned on her heels and grimace.
  'And where do you think you are going?' Maggie demanded. She tossed her wavy brown mane from her face.
  'School, of course', Jaz replied.
'School!' Maggie turned to look at her watch. 'It's only 7:02'.
  'Yeah, I know'. I have gotta go'. Jaz complained. She has a plan in mind and won't let Maggie spoil it.
  'Did you finish your breakfast?' Maggie asked and Jaz twist her little mouth.
  'How do you expect me to finish those bread pudding'. Oh Mum!' Jaz wined.
   'You didn't finish your food?' Why?' Maggie has her eyes on her daughter.
   'That's irrelevant now, I've to go'. Jaz stressed and looked at her watch. It showed 7:08.
  'And why are you leaving so early?' Maggie asked curiously. She sensed Jaz has a hidden plan.
  'Assignment', Jaz said and ran out of the house calling Pedro. Maggie sighed and returned to the pantry.

Jaz was lucky to arrive at school in time to carry out her plan. She went straight to the locker room and brought out a skeleton key. She has a bottle of alcoholic drink with her and planned to keep it on Yalena locker. It would be fun to see her suffer the penalty.

  Dante entered the locker room and found it empty. He was very early to school and has come to exchange notes in his locker when he sight Jaz. She was wearing a blue jeans and green polo neck long sleeve shirt. Her waist length black mane was styled in a side braid and held with bobby pin. Her feet were in green jeweled open toed sandals and she looked beautiful and svelte with her plain creamy skin.
  He watched her opened a locker discreetly and kept a bottle of alcoholic drink inside. Dante suspicious rose and he bet that wasn't Jaz locker. Alcohol was forbidden in the school, especially in the locker room. Curiosity made Dante brought out his android phone and began to record everything she did in his video.
  Jaz smiled as she succeed is keeping the alcohol drink in Yalena locker and locked it back. She turned only to see Dante recording her with his phone and her smile freeze on her face.
  'Are you done?' Dante asked as he saved the recording.
  'What are...are you doing here?' Jaz stammered as she asked.
   'I came to exchange my notes and capture a video'. Dante showed her his phone and Jaz looked more shocked.
   'What you have done is in my phone, everything'. Dante told her confidently.
   Jaz bite her lower lip and cursed herself. She has gotten into more trouble and Dante would definitely expose her and she knew it would lead to final explusion from the school and there was her father to deal with. Oh Lord, this was a mess!
  'What are you thinking?' Dante was smiling brightly.
  'Don't show out that video, I don't want to be expel'. Jaz said in pleading.
  'Why?' Dante asked nonchalantly.
'I just said I don't to get expel, listen, I will pay you anything'. Money, books, phone, gaming computer, you know boys love games a lot. I can give them to you, but please. Don't tell on me'.
  'Well I don't need any of the above, in fact, I don't need anything'. Dante told her.
  'Good, so what's it you want, name your price'. Jaz said as she tried to calm down and stop fidgeting.
  'I've only two conditions', Dante began slowly.
  'Two', Jaz echoed.
'Yes, and you must do them'. Now get that drink out of that locker'. You are trying to cause trouble'. Dante said straightforwardly and Jaz frowned but she complied.
  'I've done it, She said through gritted teeth.
'Now let's get out of here and dispose that drink', Dante said and lead the way out of the locker room. Students were beginning to arrive and Jaz hide the drink carefully in her backpack.
Dante help her open the bottle and spill the drink away. Jaz has taken the bottle from her father wine rack in the house.
  'Now, what else?' Jaz asked angrily. She was mad he has ruined her plan for the second time.
   'I need your compliance to do everything I command', Dante told her.
  'My compliance and your command!' Jaz was surprised. Are you a king or what?' She snapped
  'It's your choice, I won't make you do it'. Dante shrugged. He was really calm and it unnerved Jaz.
  'So what does my compliance entails?' Jaz questioned.
  'To do everything I say without complaining', Dante told her nonchalantly. Jaz wanted to kick him hard in the tummy and dumped him in the trash can.
  'Hope you won't make me become your girlfriend because I dislike you'. Jaz said with narrowed eyes, suspicious.
  'I won't', Dante chuckled lightly. He was amused by her thought and Jaz cringe in embarrassment.
  'And the video, we don't have the entire day', Jaz demanded.
  'I won't delete it, but it will be between us'.
'Why still keep the video, I just agreed'. Jaz rant madly.
  'To make you keep your side of the bargain, let go to class'. Dante said and start walking. He wait for her to meet him but Jaz ignored him and walked alone.
  She was shocked how her plan has backfired and now she was under Dante command and would do whatever he says. She couldn't believe Dante blackmail her and she has been helpless. It would be terrible and for how long?

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