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July 9, 2006

The moon was nice out. It felt good on my skin. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. From the looks of it, I'm in the woods behind my house.

The wind started howling. I smelt this amazing smell. It came from the direction that was deeper into the woods. I didn't know what it was; I just knew I had to have it. 

My feet followed the smell. The smell was immaculate. It was all I could think about. My mind was running around trying to figure out what smelt so good. It couldn't have been blood because it never smelt this good.

I reached the destination.

The moon light was the strongest here. I saw the back of a person. I don't know who this is, but all I know is they have something I want. I crept up behind them. I stopped when I got a few feet away. I thought of ways to approach what looked like a woman. When I was about to make my move, the woman began to turn around. 

"Hi Chris," Vadah said calmly.

I was confused because there was nothing in her hands. There was nothing around her. What was a craving then?

She began to walk closer to me as she did that, the smell got stronger. She stopped right in front of me.  I took the time to look at her. She was wearing this nice dress that did her justice. She was looking beautiful.

"Hi Chris," she repeated as she reached up to touch my face

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"Hi Chris," she repeated as she reached up to touch my face.

That's when I noticed that there was a cut on her arm. The smell was coming from her arm. I was intrigued and confused at the same time.

"Go on drink," she said while her arm moved to my mouth.

I didn't even notice that my fangs were out. I closed my eyes and smelt the wound as it grew closer. I sunk my fangs into her arm.

 I sunk my fangs into her arm

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