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July 21, 2006

About an hour or two after India left, Vadah and Yas came over. Their mom decided to stay with my dad cause they still wanna find the Opes.

"If you get hungry, you don't have to ask just go get something," I said.

"There are two rooms in the back if y'all wanna go in there," I said pointing in the direction of the hall way. India and Yas had walked into the direction of the rooms while Vadah sat on the couch.

"Ok," I huffed then went back to my room.

I sat on the bed and just sat there. I put some music on to help with the silence. I walked into my bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and saw that I haven't shaved in a while, so I grabbed my razor and my shaving cream and got to work.

"Oh baby, you stay on my brain
I smoke, kick back and think
Sometimes a nigga be lonely so many bitches, I ain't gotta be..."

"So you just gonna watch me shave," I said as I turned around seeing Vadah standing in my doorway.

"I just came cause I like the song playing," she said pointing to the stereo in my room

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"I just came cause I like the song playing," she said pointing to the stereo in my room.

"Oh," I said shaking my head and turning back towards the mirror.

"I hope you know I had nothing to do with the witches' place getting tore up," I said looking at her through the mirror.

"I know," she said looking down at her feet.

I finished shaving and was drying my face off.

"Your house is nice," she said as I was walking out the bathroom.

"What do you do exactly?" She asked.

"I co-own my dad's clubs," I said sitting on the bed.

"Oh," she said nodding her head.

"You wan– uhm– you wanna watch a movie?" I asked looking at her.

"Sure," she said shrugging her shoulders, "what you got?"

I got up and went to my clothes to pull out my container of movies I have in my room.

"Almost everything," I said as she came over to the bucket to see what was in there.

"I got tv series and movies in there," I said sitting back in my bed.

"You bought all of these," she said raising her eyebrow.

"Nah most of them were movies my dad collected over time that I took cause I know he won't miss it," I said as she shook her head going back to looking for something to watch.

"We can watch Martin," she said pulling out the case for it.

"Okay," I said grabbing the case, so I can put it in the DVD player.

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