Cat boy you've made my life

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Corpse sighed as he kept watching Sykkuno's stream. The boy was adorable especially with the cat ears. Corpse smiled and tried to run a hand through his curly black hair only for it to get stuck half way through. He pulled his hand away from himself and watched the stream.

Thank Scarra for the adorable cat ears. Corpse mentally said to himself. Sykkuno was to nice to everyone. And corpse always mentally thanked god for giving him this boy. Corpse was always the student who teachers told he would be lucky if he got a job at McDonald's. However he was happy where he was now.

He slowly played with the skull ring on in his finger. It helped with his anxiety. He was always freaking out about something whether it was YouTube or his normal life.

Corpse looked back at the screen only to see that the stream was about to end. He quickly hit his discord tab and called Sykkuno. It rang a couple times then he picked up.

"Hey Corpse what's up?" Sykkuno asked.

Corpse was instantly reminded of why he loved him. His voice was so soft and sweet.

"Not much just wanted to see if you wanted to play something. Or just talk. Both are fine," Corpse said while smiling.

Sykkuno was quite for a moment. He was to shocked. Corpse had never called him just to talk with just him. His face flushed as he thought of what to say. He kicked his leg for being so quiet.

"I would love to play something but you can pick because I can't think of anything," Sykkuno said happily.

Corpse smiled to himself and thought about what to play.

"Well my little sister has gotten me addicted to Minecraft," corpse said with slight excitement in his voice.

Sykkuno hummed in approval and loaded the game up. Corpse doing the same. They made a world and quickly got to work. Corpse making jokes and flirting in the normal friendly way they always do.

Sykkuno laughed as he took all of Corpse's stuff off the soul sand.

"No Sykkuno that was all of my stuff," Corpse said while whining.

Sykkuno laughed. "I will give your stuff back if you do something for me," Sykkuno said jokingly.

Corpse weighed his options but figured what would Sykkuno do. The sweet kind adorable Sykkuno.

He told him sure and waited for a command.

"Can I see your face?" Sykkuno asked.

Corpse seemed to freeze up. His whole world seemed to slow in front of him. He truly wanted to he really did. However what if Sykkuno didn't like him? What if he lost Sykkuno and he leaked his face? But corpse finally calmed down when he heard Sykkunos voice.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to show me your face if you don't want to," he whispered.

Corpse felt his heart shatter. He wanted Sykkuno to be his usual bubbly self with bright eyes rosy cheeks and beautiful smile.

"Sykkuno I will show you my face," Corpse said with a small smile as he heard Sykkuno gasp.

"You really don't have to but thank you so much Corpsie," Sykkuno cheered out.

Corpse blushed lightly. "Did you just call me Corpsie?" He asked bewildered.

Sykkuno just hummed out a yes.

Corpse took off his eye patch and mask and took a quick picture and sent it to Sykkuno.

He heard Sykkunos awe stricken voice.

"Corpse you look amazing," Sykkuno whispered as he stared at the picture. The man had curly black hair pale skin and Onyx eyes. He was doing a piece sign on a hand with six fingers.

"Like really really amazing," Sykkuno said.

"And you're absolutely adorable," Corpse muttered.

Sykkuno knew he wasn't supposed to hear that but he didn't really care. To many questions ran through his head at the moment. Did corpse really believe that he was adorable?

"Sykkuno can I tell you something?" Corpse asked with hope filling his voice.

"You can tell me anything Corpse. I always want to help you out," Sykkuno said cheerfully.

Corpse thought about how to say it. I've been in love with you since I heard your voice. No, way to cheesy. Sykkuno your absolutely perfect and I want to make you happy. Nope not corpse enough. Sykkuno I never knew the last part of my YouTube name would fit you. Bingo corpse thought.

"Sykkuno I never knew that the last part of my YouTube name would fit you so well," Corpse said with a light stutter here and there.

Sykkuno instantly became bright red. Corpse Husband. Husband. The word ran through his head.

"Corpse I think we should go to a candle lit dinner first," Sykkuno said.

Corpse was taken aback. Did he just ask me out? Corpse thought.

"Sykkuno if your asking me out then I'm picking you up tomorrow at 7 in the morning," Corpse said.

"Gladly. Also why that early?" Sykkuno asked very confused.

"Because me and you are gonna have pancakes pop tarts brownies and cookies and cuddle on your couch while binge watching anime," Corpse said happily.

Sykkuno let out a giggle and smiled from ear to ear.

"And corpse that was not just any picture. I can't wait to hold your six fingered hand," Sykkuno said happily.

Corpse quickly said bye and got to work on all of the treats they were gonna get before sending Sykkuno a quick message.

Screw cat girls are ruining my life because cat boy you've made mine. Corpse sent while chuckling at Sykkunos response.

Corpse your voice was enough to make my life perfect. Sykkuno sent without a second thought.

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