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Huge trigger warning!! Mentions of abuse....

Nya POV(It'll be her pov for a few chapters)~

Just a bunch of flashbacks🤷‍♀️


I cradle my right side of my tear stained cheek. He just smacked me! He really just smacked me! Fury rises in me.

"Did you jus-" before I could even finish my sentence, he puts his hand on my mouth.

"Tell anyone, and I'll ruin your life" He grumbles. I pushed his hand away from my face.

"No way in hell, I'm leaving!" I yell, turning my back on him and going to his room to gather my stuff. I didn't even get to the hallway before he gripped my wrist tightly and pinned me to the wall.

"Oh no honey, your not leaving me. We have too much 'chemistry' to just give up on 'us'" He gives me some sort of psycho-path look.

"C-Cole" I whimper in pain as he digs his fingernails into my skin. "P-please stop, your hurting me" I say in a whisper.

"Not until you promise you'll never leave me! Promise me you won't tell anyone! PROMISE ME NYA, PROMISE ME!" my eyes start to shed once again.

"I-I promise." He loosens his grip and I crumble to the ground. Rising my legs to my chest and putting my head in my hands, crying. I feel his hands wrap around my small figure and apologizes to me.


I look In the mirror in the bathroom. Eyeing all the small patches of concealer that hides the purple bruises on my face and neck. I look at myself once more, giving myself a fake smile before slipping my backpack over my shoulders and walking out the door. I walk about a half a mile until I reached my bus station.

I arrived at Ninjago High School. Sighing before I step into what everyone calls 'a nightmare' or 'hell'. I used to walk down these halls with pride, but now I walk with hurt. Keeping my head down throughout the halls, I walk up to my locker to see my friend Skylor; Kai's(my older brother) girlfriend.

"Your a little late" Skylor raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I was doing my makeup" I said, grabbing my notebooks.

"I honestly don't know what got you into that kinda stuff, and I'm really surprised Kai even allows it!" Skylor says as we walk to our next class together.

"I told you it's only for school. And I'm not trying to 'impress' anyone, I have a boyfriend" I roll my eyes. "Besides, summer is almost here, I can give my face a break for a few months"

"speaking of summer, are you excited that Cole and Kai are graduating this year? I know I am" She smiles. My heart drops when I heard Cole's name. It's even hard to even think about.

"Yeah of course I am, why wouldn't I be" I nervously chuckled. Skylor shrugged her shoulders and we both went our separate ways.


I sat in the hard plastic chairs, taking a deep breathe of the fresh outdoor air. I listened as the principle called out the names of the graduates, but more in particular, I waited for him to call Kai and Cole.

When he called for Cole, the crowd got loud. People stood up from their seats, some whistled, some yelling out his name. Me? I just sat in my chair and clapped with a 'smile'. Cole was the best player on the football team, so he's pretty popular.

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