~Chapter 1~ After Court

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Happy 10th Anniversary!

Nya POV~

Furious, I was driving home to my 2 bedroom, one bath apartment along with my two children in the back seat. We had just finished our last case in court, trying to gain full custody over my kids, but it didn't work the way I planned.

I finally broke up with Cole about a year ago. It took a LOT in me, but I finally did it. After having my oldest, Samuel, I had fully moved in with Cole and finished school. Cole never changed though. He'd still abuse me and also never made an effort to be a father to Sam.

I ran to Sky and Kai a lot (In which they didn't know what Cole did to me and the kids at the time) whenever me and Cole had arguments that got too physical. At first they were fine with me hanging out with them multiple times a week, but after awhile, they became suspicious. All I told them was that I felt like they should spend more time with Sam and they fell for it and believed me.

Two years later, I had my youngest, Alexandra, after Cole raped me one night drunk. When Cole had found out about my second pregnancy, he ignored me throughout the whole 9 month process.

After I had Alex, Cole started forcing me to sleep somewhere else other than his house. He said he couldn't "stand sleeping in the same house with a slut like me and 2 annoying brats crying every 2 seconds". It broke my heart to hear someone calling my kids brats. It's not their fault that the reason they're crying is because you are constantly yelling.

I started staying with Kai for a few months before going back to Cole, only because he threatened me to. Stayed with Cole for 2 in a half more years before one night he abused Sam(who was 4 years old at the time) so bad that he was unconscious.

After that, I finally had enough and broke up with him on the spot. He was shocked at first but then grew angry. He slapped me but I showed no emotion before grabbing my kids. Not even thinking of grabbing some of our belongings, stormed out the door and drove to Kai's and Skylor's shared apartment.

Once I got there, I told them everything. They were both furious, but not at me, but at Cole. I mean they should be mad at him but I thought they would've been at me for not telling them sooner. They called the police and Cole was sent to prison for 20 years for abuse.

About 6 months later, somehow Cole's parent's got him out of prison, possibly bribery with money. They went to court for a little and Cole stated that he wanted to be in the kids life. At first, I was bewildered. There was no way the judge would allow this, not with what Cole done to me and my children. I was wrong though.

And that's how it leads to today.

Cole's parents had a really good lawyer and convinced the judge for Cole to have the children every other week for about 3 days. I was, like I said before, furious about the decision and stormed out of the court room with my kids and drove away.

"Mama are we a'mos home?" questioned my 5 year old son, rubbing his eyes tiredly while his 3 year old sister was already asleep in her car seat.

"Yes baby, about 10 more minutes" I sigh.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked my blue 2015 Chevy Malibu, thanks to Skylor that I even have a car. I grab Alex and hold Sam's hand while walking inside and to our apartment. Once I opened the door, Sam let go of my hand and ran to his and Alex's shared bedroom and climb onto the top bunk. I lay Alex down on the lower bunk and gave her and Sam a kiss on the forehead and cracked their door behind me.

I walked to the living room and flop down on the couch before getting a phone call. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket of my jeans to see Skylor's name. I answered.

"Hello" I say exhaustedly even though it's only 3 in the afternoon.

"Hey, are you okay? You left very abruptly in court". Crap I forgot Sky and Kai were there with me today.

"Sorry Skylor," I groan. "I didn't mean to leave without saying anything. It's just makes me really angry that the judge is allowing Cole to see the kids. After everything he's done!" I say, tearing up. I never used to be so emotional and weak when I started high school.

"No it's fine and totally understandable, Just checking on you." She sighs. "Look, I know this is hard for you, but me and Kai are always here for you if you ever need to cry or talk or to baby-sit, anything, we are always here"

"Thank you, and you guy's have already done so much for me and the kids, I-"

"Don't mention it, you and the kids have gone through shit, it's the least we could do" I smile. "alright well I got to end this conversation short, Kai is trying to make noodles and is setting off the fire alarm".

"Good luck!" I chuckle. "I love you guys, talk to you later"

"We love you too" I hear Kai say in the background.

"Love you bye- KAI OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOIN-" Skylor yells before the phone cuts out. I laugh again and set my phone on my coffee table.

I yawn before carefully closing my eyes. Not knowing if I'll have the nightmare again...

Such a shorter chapter than the intro which I intend to lmaoo. Taking things slow with this story for now, hopefully some good action happens soon 😉.

Love all of you so much and if you guys are going through anything, just dm me on wattpad or on my fan-account on instagram~ @jayafanfic(also provide a link in my bio to get there)

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